Principles for consumer involvement in health and medical researchCitation: McKenzie A. Principles for consumer involvement in health and medical research. Respirology. 2023
Qualitative assessment of healthy volunteer experience receiving subcutaneous infusions of high-dose benzathine penicillin G (SCIP) provides insights into design of late phase clinical studiesSecondary prophylaxis to prevent rheumatic heart disease (RHD) progression, in the form of four-weekly intramuscular benzathine benzylpenicillin G (BPG) injections, has remained unchanged since 1955. Qualitative investigations into patient preference have highlighted the need for long-acting penicillins to be delivered less frequently, ideally with reduced pain.
Rheumatic heart disease mortality in Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians between 2010 and 2017To generate contemporary age-specific mortality rates for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians aged <65 years who died from rheumatic heart disease between 2013 and 2017, and to ascertain the underlying causes of death of a prevalent RHD cohort aged <65 years who died during the same period.
Geldanamycin treatment does not result in anti-cancer activity in a preclinical model of orthotopic mesotheliomaMesothelioma is characterised by its aggressive invasive behaviour, affecting the surrounding tissues of the pleura or peritoneum. We compared an invasive pleural model with a non-invasive subcutaneous model of mesothelioma and performed transcriptomic analyses on the tumour samples.
Short Message Service Reminder Nudge for Parents and Influenza Vaccination Uptake in Children and Adolescents with Special Risk Medical Conditions: The Flutext-4U Randomized Clinical TrialChildren with chronic medical conditions are at increased risk of severe influenza. Uptake of influenza vaccination in children and adolescents with these identified special risk medical conditions is suboptimal.
No association between in utero exposure to emissions from a coalmine fire and post-natal lung functionStudies linking early life exposure to air pollution and subsequent impaired lung health have focused on chronic, low-level exposures in urban settings. We aimed to determine whether in utero exposure to an acute, high-intensity air pollution episode impaired lung function 7-years later.
Blinatumomab Added to Chemotherapy in Infant Lymphoblastic LeukemiaKMT2A-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in infants is an aggressive disease with 3-year event-free survival below 40%. Most relapses occur during treatment, with two thirds occurring within 1 year and 90% within 2 years after diagnosis. Outcomes have not improved in recent decades despite intensification of chemotherapy.
The effect of CFTR modulators on structural lung disease in cystic fibrosisNewly developed quantitative chest computed tomography (CT) outcomes designed specifically to assess structural abnormalities related to cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease are now available. CFTR modulators potentially can reduce some structural lung abnormalities. We aimed to investigate the effect of CFTR modulators on structural lung disease progression using different quantitative CT analysis methods specific for people with CF (PwCF).
Spatiotemporal distributions of under-five mortality in Ethiopia between 2000 and 2019Under-five mortality declined in the last two decades in Ethiopia, but sub-national and local progress remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal distributions and ecological level factors of under-five mortality in Ethiopia. Data on under-five mortality were obtained from five different Ethiopian Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 2000, 2005, 2011, 2016, and 2019. Environmental and healthcare access data were obtained from different publicly available sources.
Impact of COVID-19 on mental health in Bhutan: a way forward for actionThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to impact mental health and wellbeing globally. There is a lack of scientific documentation highlighting the mental health impact of COVID-19 in Bhutan. We present the mental health burdens and control measures taken, and suggest ways to further strengthen mental health services in Bhutan.