Outcomes to 5 years of outborn versus inborn infants <32 weeks in Western Australia: A cohort study of infants born between 2005 and 2018We compared mortality and morbidity of inborn versus outborn very preterm infants <32 weeks' gestation in Western Australia (WA) between 2005 and 2018
Reach and perceived effectiveness of a community-led active outreach postvention intervention for people bereaved by suicidePostvention is a core component of suicide prevention strategies, internationally. However, the types of supports provided to people impacted by suicide vary widely. This study examines the perceived effectiveness of the Primary Care Navigator (PCN) model for people bereaved by suicide. The PCN model was implemented in response to a suicide cluster.
Consumer perspectives on simplified, layered consent for a low risk, but complex pragmatic trialFor decades, the research community has called for participant information sheets/consent forms (PICFs) to be improved. Recommendations include simplifying content, reducing length, presenting information in layers and using multimedia. However, there are relatively few studies that have evaluated health consumers' (patients/carers) perspectives on the type and organisation of information, and the level of detail to be included in a PICF to optimise an informed decision to enter a trial.
Study protocol for controlled human infection for penicillin G against Streptococcus pyogenes: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, randomised trial to determine the minimum concentration required to prevent experimental pharyngitis (the CHIPS trial)Regular intramuscular benzathine penicillin G injections have been the cornerstone of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) secondary prophylaxis since the 1950s. As the pharmacological correlate of protection remains unknown, it is difficult to recommend changes to this established regimen. Determining the minimum effective penicillin exposure required to prevent Streptococcus pyogenes infection will accelerate development of new long-acting penicillins for RHD prevention as well as inform opportunities to improve existing regimens. The CHIPS trial will address this knowledge gap by directly testing protection afforded by different steady state plasma concentrations of penicillin in an established model of experimental human S. pyogenes pharyngitis.
CD4+ T cells drive an inflammatory, TNF-α/IFN-rich tumor microenvironment responsive to chemotherapyWhile chemotherapy remains the first-line treatment for many cancers, it is still unclear what distinguishes responders from non-responders. Here, we characterize the chemotherapy-responsive tumor microenvironment in mice, using RNA sequencing on tumors before and after cyclophosphamide, and compare the gene expression profiles of responders with progressors.
‘There’s good and bad’: parent perspectives on the influence of mobile touch screen device use on prenatal attachmentThe potential for human-computer interaction to have a substantial impact on adults is well documented. However, its potential importance prior to birth has rarely been reported. Parental use of smartphones and tablet computers could influence the relationship between parent and baby during pregnancy (prenatal attachment) and thus child development.
Characterizing human movement patterns using GPS data loggers in an area of persistent malaria in Zimbabwe along the Mozambique borderHuman mobility is a driver for the reemergence or resurgence of malaria and has been identified as a source of cross-border transmission. However, movement patterns are difficult to measure in rural areas where malaria risk is high. In countries with malaria elimination goals, it is essential to determine the role of mobility on malaria transmission to implement appropriate interventions.
Approaches to prioritising research for clinical trial networks: a scoping reviewPrioritisation of clinical trials ensures that the research conducted meets the needs of stakeholders, makes the best use of resources and avoids duplication. The aim of this review was to identify and critically appraise approaches to research prioritisation applicable to clinical trials, to inform best practice guidelines for clinical trial networks and funders.
Changes in referral patterns for weight in association with the preschool Raising Healthy Kids targetThe 'Raising Healthy Kids (RHK) health target ' recommended that children identified as having obesity [body mass index (BMI) >/=98th centile] through growth screening at the B4 School Check (B4SC) be offered referral for subsequent assessment and intervention.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination among parents of infants hospitalised for acute respiratory infection in AustraliaCitation: Carlson SJ, McRae J, Wiley K, Leask J, Macartney K. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination among parents of