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The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers finalists for 2016 Eureka Prizes

Three Perth researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have today been named finalists for the 2016 Australian Museum Eureka Prizes.


WA Food Atlas

The WA Food Atlas is an interactive tool to assess the food environment across local government areas and how it changes over time.


How healthy (or unhealthy) is the food environment around Perth schools?

This unique and innovative project will be the first to quantify the local food environment around all government and non-government Perth metropolitan primary and secondary schools.


RHD Action

Rosemary Sophie Jonathan Wyber La Vincente Carapetis AM MBChB MPH FRACGP PhD BPsych (Hons) MAppEpi PhD AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS Senior Research

News & Events

How the Australian bushfires can impact your family’s physical health

Bushfires can have a considerable impact on our physical and mental health, with some symptoms lasting long after the blaze is extinguished. And our children are amongst the most vulnerable.

News & Events

Very preterm babies at risk of declining lung function throughout childhood

A The Kids Research Institute Australia study published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health has found that survivors of very preterm birth face declining lung function


Understanding how viral infection in early life impacts on lung function in adulthood

Alexander David Deborah Larcombe Martino Strickland BScEnv (Hons) PhD BSc PhD PhD Head, Respiratory Environmental Health Head, Clinical Epigenetics


Resilience and Diabetes 2 (the RAD2 study)

Anna Hunt DipTch, BEd Research Administrator 08 6319 1290 Research Administrator she/her/hers Anna Hunt is a Research

Ivacaftor or lumacaftor/ivacaftor treatment does not alter the core CF airway epithelial gene response to rhinovirus

We tested the hypothesis that treatment of CF epithelial cells with ivacaftor (Iva) or ivacaftor/lumacaftor (Iva/Lum) would improve control of rhinovirus infection.

News & Events

Back to school anxiety: How to help your child transition into the new school year

As we count down to the end of the long summer holidays, it’s natural for children to feel anxious about what the new school year will bring.