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Pacific Early Age Readiness and Learning (PEARL) Programme in Tonga

The (PEARL) Programme, implemented by the World Bank, aims to support Pacific Island Countries in building capacity to design, implement, and monitor evidence-based policies and programs for primary schools.


A study to determine the safety and immunogenicity of 10-valent and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in Papua New Guinean children

Deborah Peter Peter Lehmann Jacoby Richmond AO, MBBS, MSc BA (Hons) MSc MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Honorary Emeritus Fellow Biostatistician Head, Vaccine


Resilience and Diabetes 2 (the RAD2 study)

Investigators: Anna Hunt, Ashleigh Lin  Stress and anxiety are significant problems in children and adolescence with type 1 diabetes. Not only do

Play Active Program

Physical activity is critical during the early years of life for a child’s health and development.


PLAYCE 2 School: Moving well for optimal child health and development

Hayley Liz Gina Christian Wenden Trapp BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. BHlthSc MPH BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD Program Head, Healthy Behaviours and


Pneumo-BNA: Using Bayesian network models to facilitate a microbiological diagnosis in childhood pneumonia: development of a clinical decision support tool

Christopher Peter Tom Blyth Richmond Snelling MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Centre Head,


Population Wide Monitoring of Child Health and Development in Tuvalu

Alanna Sincovich BPsych(Hons), PhD Research Fellow 08 6375 6108 Research Fellow @AlannaSincovich Alanna is a Research


Predicting long term lung health outcomes in young adults born very preterm (WALHIP 19 year old follow-up)

Graham Shannon Elizabeth Hall Simpson Smith BAppSci PhD CRFS FANZSRS FThorSoc FERS BMedSci (hons), PhD PhD, MSc, BSc Honorary Research Associate


Preparing for prevention: Assessing the community awareness of RSV and other childhood infections

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is one of the most common reasons babies are admitted to hospital – with Aboriginal and preterm infants at greatest risk.


Preterm Paediatric Inhaled Corticosteroids Intervention (PICSI)

Understanding if ongoing inflammation in the lungs contributes to the poor lung health experienced by some children who were born preterm.