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Toll-like receptor 2 ligands inhibit Th2 responses to mite allergen

There is intense interest in the interaction between microbial compounds and allergy.

When differently abled experiences collide, magic happens

A quality of life tool developed by disability researcher Jenny Downs is helping to reveal the difference specific interventions can make to the lives of children and families living with disability.

Technology helps ease parents' worry

Video technology is helping researchers learn more about the earliest features of autism, and in turn is helping families gain access to better interventions.

Push to catch beneath-the-radar newborn virus

The Kids researchers are working with Perth Children’s Hospital and other experts across the country to get ahead of a sneaky virus few mums or even health professionals have heard of.

‘Boom Boom’ goes the beat towards ending rheumatic heart disease

A song written by kids in Barunga as part of the END RHD Communities Project is helping prevent the spread of infections that cause rheumatic heart disease in remote Aboriginal Communities.

New policy helps kids huff and puff their way to stronger, healthier bodies and brains

Childcare centres have flocked to take up a new evidence-based policy to help ensure young children get more of the physical activity they need to be healthy and developmentally on track.

Standing up to a cruel DISEASE

Klair Bayley knew her son Logan would eventually need a wheelchair.

It takes a village: how the CRE helped shape FASD policy and practice

The FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) has substantially built the evidence base around FASD and had a significant impact on advocacy, policy and practice.