The valence-specific empathy imbalance hypothesis of autism: The role of autistic traits, alexithymia, emotion dysregulation, and gender differencesIndividuals exhibiting pronounced autistic traits (e.g., social differences and specialised interests) may struggle with cognitive empathy (i.e., the ability to infer others' emotions), although the relationship with affective empathy (i.e., the ability to share others' emotions) is less clear in that higher levels of autistic traits may be linked with increased affective empathy for negative emotions but reduced affective empathy for positive emotions. The current study investigates this empathy profile and whether alexithymia and emotion dysregulation help to explain it.
Support Preferences and Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) in the Clinical Care of Autistic Children: Stakeholder PerspectivesClinical decision support systems (CDSS) are increasingly utilised within healthcare settings to enhance decision making. However, few studies have investigated their application in the context of clinical services for autistic people, with no research to date exploring the perspectives of the key stakeholders who are, or in the future may be, impacted by their use.

News & Events
Study to use eye masks and earplugs to teach preterm babies the rhythm of lifeResearchers will fit nearly 500 preterm babies with tiny eye masks and earplugs for the study.

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Australia’s first Autism Biobank to help improve early diagnosesA world leading Autism biobank has been officially launched in Australia today by the Minister for Health, the Hon Sussan Ley.
Raine Study - Senses Special Interest GroupChris Andrew Monique Sarra Videos Brennan-Jones Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Robinson Jamieson PhD PhD PhD MPsych (Clin) MAPS BSc (Hons) MSc

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The Kids researchers finalists in Premier’s Science AwardsThe Kids Research Institute Australia has two researchers and an innovative science engagement initiative as finalists in the 2017 Premier’s Science Awards.

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The Kids welcomes Federal Government’s commitment to early supportThe Kids Research Institute Australia welcomes today’s Federal Government announcement of a new pilot program to support babies showing early social communication differences in Western Australia.
CliniKids is putting the ‘evidence’ in evidence-based practice by providing families access to the best scientific-backed therapies as quickly as possible so that all autistic children have the chance to reach their full potential.
Mode of delivery and behavioral and neuropsychological outcomes in children at 10 years of agePrevious studies have reported that mode of delivery, particularly cesarean delivery is associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes in children. This study evaluates behavioral and neuropsychological test scores in children based on mode of delivery.

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Communication toolsFor Speech Pathology Week, we asked our speech pathologists to share their favourite resource/s and how they like to use it.