
ORIGINS is the largest study of its kind in Australia, following 10,000 children, from their time in the womb, over a decade to improve child and adult health.

Researchers leading WA’s landmark ORIGINS Project have spearheaded a global network that will see them join forces with similar interventional cohort studies across the world to maximise data collection and learnings for

News & Events
Recruitment of active participants comes to an end for ORIGINSORIGINS has officially reached the study's five-year goal of recruiting 4,000 active participants to the project and has closed recruitment of new families into the active cohort.
Find out more about the scholarship opportunities at the Wesfarmers Centre, including Training Scholarships and Higher Degree by Research Scholarships.

News & Events
ORIGINS Project shines light on Early Childhood DevelopmentA collaboration between The Kids Research Institute Australia and Joondalup Health Campus is poised to be a game-changer for early childhood development.

Information for families participating in ORIGINS.

Don't miss the opportunity to get a FREE health check for your child

The ORIGINS Team is studying early environments and parental physical health and genetics to uncover when and why non-communicable diseases (NCDs) develop.
Food AllergyFood allergies have become more common in our community, with up to one in ten young children now affected. Reactions can range from mild rashes to life threatening anaphylaxis and breathing difficulties. The most common food allergies are to egg, peanut, tree nuts, cow’s milk, fish, shellfish, wheat and soy.

News & Events
Food and nutrition in pregnancyA healthy and balanced diet is important if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy.