
News & Events
Major focus for children's diabetes research in WAResearch into childhood diabetes in Perth has been given a major boost with the launch of the WA Children's Diabetes Research and Education Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) on the eve of World Diabetes Day.
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Two new resources have been created for patients — Know the Numbers and Your HbA1c Chart.

The impact of ground-breaking research is helping ORIGINS families

News & Events
New focus on type 2 diabetesResearchers at the Children’s Diabetes Centre at The Kids Research Institute Australia have begun researching type 2 diabetes to tackle the rising incidence of the disease among young people in Australia.

Improving the lives of children with a disability and their families sits at the core of our team.
Investigating the impact of developmental coordination difficulties across home, school, and community settings: Findings from the Australian Impact for DCD surveyTo evaluate the participation difficulties experienced by children with developmental coordination disorder in home, school, and community environments.

News & Events
New research reveals impact of little-known disorderA new report released by The Kids Research Institute Australia in collaboration with Victoria University has revealed the significant social and emotional toll of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD).

Eight-year-old Mikayla is the miracle child her parents never thought they would have. They’d tried for seven years to have a baby, and when Mikayla was finally born they couldn’t contain their excitement or pride. The fact she had Down syndrome was secondary.

News & Events
Frankie and Friends appResearchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia and University of Western Australia have recently published data describing the use of an attention training game designed for school-aged children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).