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Renowned Autism Researcher named Western Australian of the Year

Autism researcher Professor Andrew Whitehouse has been named this year’s Western Australian of the Year in the HBF Professions category.

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The Kids Research Institute Australia says yes to "The Voice"

The Kids Research Institute Australia gives its full support for a First Nations Voice to Parliament to be enshrined in Australia’s constitution.

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BCG vaccine does not protect against COVID-19 in healthcare workers

A world-leading international trial examining the immune boosting benefits of the tuberculosis vaccine, BCG, has found it does not protect healthcare workers against COVID-19.

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The Kids welcomes Federal Government’s commitment to early support

The Kids Research Institute Australia welcomes today’s Federal Government announcement of a new pilot program to support babies showing early social communication differences in Western Australia.

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Study finds high rates of chronic lung disease in remote-living Aboriginal children

Almost one in five children across four remote Kimberley communities has some form of chronic lung disease, according to a new study co-designed and conducted in partnership with Aboriginal communities.

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Strep A hits Perth family twice in one year

Charlie, 6, has ended up in hospital twice with invasive Strep A infection over his short lifetime – the first time when just three years old.


Defective respiratory tract immune surveillance in asthma : A primary causal factor in disease onset and progression

The relative importance of respiratory viral infections vs inhalant allergy in asthma pathogenesis is the subject of ongoing debate.


Energy drink consumption is associated with anxiety in australian young adult males

Energy drinks are predominantly targeted to young adult consumers; however, there has been limited research into their effects on psychological functioning...


Hepatic sinusoidal obstruction syndrome during chemotherapy for childhood medulloblastoma: Report of a case and review of the literature

We report a patient with high-risk anaplastic medulloblastoma who developed severe HSOS during her second cycle of maintenance chemotherapy.


Prenatal alcohol exposure and educational achievement in children aged 8-9 years

This study examines the relationships between the dose, pattern, and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and achievement in reading, writing, spelling,...