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Discover . Prevent . Cure .


News & Events

2017 Annual Meeting – Darwin

On 11 May 2017, over 60 attendees from throughout Australia convened in Darwin for a one-day Annual Meeting to discuss the progress of the END RHD CRE research projects, national RHD advocacy and the development of the final Endgame output.

Suicide maps

Our maps provide visual insight into how the number and rate of Indigenous suicides can vary across the different regions of Australia.

Tourette Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by uncontrollable movements and vocalisations known as tics.


Working Together Second Edition

This 2nd edition is intended for staff and students and all health practitioners working in areas that support Indigenous mental health and wellbeing.

Life Course Centre

The The Kids Research Institute Australia team have an important role in the new Life Course Centre developing solutions for vulnerable children and their families to ensure their journey across the life course is the best it can be.

WA Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS)

WAACHS was the largest and most comprehensive survey ever undertaken into the health, wellbeing & development of WA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander kids

Research supports an innovative suicide prevention program

A series of suicides among young people south of Perth in 2016 sparked a major overhaul of how support is offered to the people left behind after someone takes their own life.

Animals in Research

At The Kids Research Institute Australia, our vision is simple – happy, healthy kids. We bring together community, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and funders to share our mission to improve the health, development and lives of children and young people through excellence in research.