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Low-intensity parent- and clinician-delivered support for young autistic children in Aotearoa New Zealand: a randomised controlled trial

Aotearoa New Zealand does not provide publicly-funded intensive autism support. While parent-mediated supports are promising, children and families may also benefit from direct clinician support. We tested the efficacy of a low-intensity programme involving parent- and clinician-delivered support for autistic children.


Sex-Specific Effects of Birth Weight on Longitudinal Behavioral Outcomes: A Mendelian Randomization Approach Using Polygenic Scores

It is unclear whether sex differences in behavior arising from birth weight (BW) are genuine because of the cross-sectional nature and potential confounding in previous studies. We aimed to test whether sex differences associated with BW phenotype were reproducible using a Mendelian randomization approach, i.e., association between polygenic score (PGS) for BW and behavior outcomes across childhood and adolescence. 

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New collaborations to find better treatments for young people with depression

The Kids Research Institute Australia welcomed Dr Paul Croarkin from the Mayo Clinic in the US to share his work on understanding and treating depression in young people.

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Research into innovative treatments for asthma and antibiotic-resistant infections fuelled by Stan Perron Charitable Foundation grants

New funding from the Stan Perron Charitable Foundation will support research into innovative treatments for antibiotic-resistant infections and asthma in children, led by Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre researchers. 

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Funding boost to help researchers better understand how language develops

Telethon Kids Institute researchers have been awarded an Australian Research Council grant to explore how testosterone levels in the womb can impact on a child'

Breakthrough autism program makes headlines around the world

Autism researchers at the The Kids Research Institute Australia have found the first evidence that therapy in infancy can reduce the likelihood of a clinical autism diagnosis in early childhood.

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Joondalup clinic open for Term 4

We are excited to announce that our new Joondalup clinic will be open at the start of Term 4!


Identification of subgroups of children in the Australian Autism Biobank using latent class analysis

The identification of reproducible subtypes within autistic populations is a priority research area in the context of neurodevelopment, to pave the way for identification of biomarkers and targeted treatment recommendations. Few previous studies have considered medical comorbidity alongside behavioural, cognitive, and psychiatric data in subgrouping analyses.

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Community collaboration ensures ending RHD is everybody’s business

Collaboration is the driving force behind ‘END RHD Demonstration Communities’ – a new community-driven, research-backed approach to tackling rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in remote Australia.

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New coalition to end rheumatic heart disease once and for all

Six leading health organisations have joined a new coalition to end rheumatic heart disease in Australia, disproportionately affecting Indigenous Australians.