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Perinatal testosterone exposure and autistic-like traits in the general population: a longitudinal pregnancy-cohort study

Increased prenatal testosterone exposure has been hypothesized as a mechanism underlying autism spectrum disorders (ASD).


Fidelity and coordination of mitochondrial protein synthesis in health and disease

The evolutionary acquisition of mitochondria has given rise to the diversity of eukaryotic life. Mitochondria have retained their ancestral α-proteobacterial traits through the maintenance of double membranes and their own circular genome. Their genome varies in size from very large in plants to the smallest in animals and their parasites. The mitochondrial genome encodes essential genes for protein synthesis and has to coordinate its expression with the nuclear genome from which it sources most of the proteins required for mitochondrial biogenesis and function.


How new and expecting fathers engage with an app-based online forum: Qualitative analysis

Breastfeeding is important for infants, and fathers are influential in supporting their partner in their decision to breastfeed and how long they breastfeed for. Fathers can feel excluded from traditional antenatal education and support opportunities but highly value social support from peers. Online health forums can be a useful source of social support, yet little is known about how fathers would use a conversation forum embedded in a breastfeeding-focused app. Milk Man is a mobile app that aimed to increase paternal support for breastfeeding using a range of strategies, including a conversation forum.


Relationship Between Social Motivation in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Their Parents

Impairment in social motivation (SM) has been suggested as a key mechanism underlying social communication deficits observed in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, the factors accounting for variability in SM remain poorly described and understood. The current study aimed to characterize the relationship between parental and proband SM. Data from 2,759 children with ASD and their parents from the Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) project was included in this study.


Plasma secretory phospholipase A2 as an early marker for late-onset sepsis in preterm infants—a pilot study

Preterm infants are particularly susceptible to bacterial late-onset sepsis (LOS). Diagnosis by blood culture and inflammatory markers have sub-optimal sensitivity and specificity and prolonged reporting times. There is an urgent need for more rapid, accurate adjunctive diagnostics in LOS to improve management and minimise antibiotic exposure.


Advanced glycation end products as predictors of renal function in youth with type 1 diabetes

To examine if skin autofluorescence differed in early adulthood between individuals with type 1 diabetes and age-matched controls and to ascertain if sAF aligned with risk for kidney disease.


Co-occurring intellectual disability and autism: Associations with stress, coping, time use, and quality of life in caregivers

Having a child on the autism spectrum (AS) is known to impact caregiver quality of life (QoL), time use, and stress. A co-occurring diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID) is common among children on the autism spectrum, with ID itself impacting caregiver outcomes. This study sought to understand how co-occurring ID in children on the autism spectrum may influence caregiver-related outcomes. Secondary analysis of survey data from caregivers of 278 children on the autism spectrum with (n = 62) and without (n = 216) co-occurring ID was conducted, exploring impacts on caregiver QoL, stress, coping, and time-use.


Evaluation of an Australian neurological nurse-led model of postdischarge care

Neurological disorders are a leading cause of disease burden worldwide, placing a heavy demand on health systems. This study evaluated the impacts and cost savings of a community-based nursing service providing supported discharge for neurological patients deemed high-risk for unplanned emergency department presentations and/or hospital readmissions. It focused on adult patients with stroke, epilepsy, migraine/headache or functional neurological disorders discharged from a Western Australian tertiary hospital.


Allergen shedding in human milk: Could it be key for immune system education and allergy prevention?

In addition to being a source of nutrients for the developing newborn, human milk contains thousands of bioactive compounds, which influence infant health in the short-term as exemplified by its major benefits on infectious disease prevention. Many of the human milk compounds also have the required characteristics to instruct immune development and guide long-term health.


Prospective surveillance of primary healthcare presentations for scabies and bacterial skin infections in Fiji, 2018-2019

Scabies, impetigo, and other skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are highly prevalent in many tropical, low-middle income settings, but information regarding their burden of disease is scarce. We conducted surveillance of presentations of scabies and SSTIs, including impetigo, abscesses, cellulitis, and se≈vere SSTI, to primary health facilities in Fiji.