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An observational study of febrile seizures: The importance of viral infection and immunization

Determine the frequency of detection of specific viral pathogens in children with febrile seizures


Propulsion strategy in the gait of primary school children; the effect of age and speed

Ankle and hip power generation as a propulsion strategy during the late stance/early swing phases of walking and running in typically developing children


Limited impact of neonatal or early infant schedules of 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccination

Early 7vPCV schedules have limited impact on pneumococcal vaccine type carriage in PNG


Lao People's Democratic Republic – Early Childhood Education Project : snapshot two – child health and nutrition

This snapshot highlights that child under nutrition is a serious public health issue in Northern Laos PDR


Transforming Life: A Broad View of the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Concept from an Ecological Justice Perspective

With emerging research involving green space, the microbiome, biodiversity and positive psychology, we discuss ecological justice in the dysbiosphere


Dysregulation of innate immunity in ulcerative colitis patients who fail anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy

Study the innate immune function in ulcerative colitis patients who fail to respond to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy


Obesity and associated factors in youth with an autism spectrum disorder

Prevalence of overweight/obesity in children and youth with autism spectrum disorder, and associations between weight status and range of factors


Designing evaluation plans for health promotion mHealth interventions: A case study of the Milk Man mobile app

An evaluation planning approach for mHealth interventions that could be adapted for use by health promotion practitioners and researchers


Efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of the human papillomavirus 16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in women older than 25 years

In women older than 25 years, the HPV 16/18 vaccine continues to protect against infections, cytological abnormalities, and lesions associated with HPV 16/18


Seizure variables and their relationship to genotype and functional abilities in the CDKL5 disorder

Epilepsy is pervasive but not mandatory for the CDKL5 disorder, and genotype and functional abilities were related to seizure frequency