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Trans young people can benefit from puberty suppression

A major review by WA researchers has found medication used to suppress puberty can improve the mental health of young people who are trans or gender diverse.

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Healthway supports innovative mental health, physical activity research at The Kids

The Kids Research Institute Australia and The University of Western Australia researchers have been awarded more than $1 million in funding from Healthway, for projects to improve the mental health of LGBTQA+ young people, encourage early physical activity in childcare centres and create healthier local environme

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Silver lining to early arrivals

CIRCA DIEM is using an inexpensive set of eye masks and ear plugs to teach babies born too soon how to tell the difference between night and day – a simple skill which could have lifelong implications for their health and development.


The Chronobiology team works to understand the factors that contribute to poor lung and heart function in newborn infants and find ways to prevent heart and lung disease.

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Can a simple urine test predict asthma? New study aims to find out

The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are investigating whether a simple urine test could predict whether young children with wheezing symptoms will go on to develop asthma.

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The Kids researchers seek cure for devastating glioma

The Kids Research Institute Australia’s cancer researchers will use funds raised in the name of a brave three-year-old girl to launch a new assault on the devastating form of childhood cancer which took her life.

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Northern Territory building on strengths

media enquiries Mailing list Media Contacts Be Inspired Please direct general enquiries to our reception on (08) 6319 1000. Please direct media

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Premmie twins defy the odds

When Samuel and James Considine were born in October 2003, perilously close to what the medical world describes as the limit of viability, each weighed just 700 grams and could fit into the palm of their father’s hand.

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Landmark language study draws to a close - but the work is just beginning

A joint initiative between The Kids Research Institute Australia, The University of Western Australia, the University of Kansas and Nebraska University, it is the world’s only study to conduct such a detailed assessment of language and literacy development from infancy through the formative adolescent years.