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Global research neglect of population-based approaches to smoking cessation

It has been argued that the preponderance of studies into individual smoking cessation therapies seems grossly out of proportion to the number of people...


Bone mineral content and density in Rett syndrome and their contributing factors

This study used densitometry to investigate the areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in an Australian Rett syndrome cohort...


International comparisons of behavioral and emotional problems in preschool children: Parents' reports from 24 societies

International comparisons were conducted of preschool children's behavioral and emotional problems as reported on the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages...


Variants near CCNL1/LEKR1 and in ADCY5 and Fetal Growth Characteristics in Different Trimesters

A recent genome-wide association study identified variants near CCNL1/LEKR1 (rs900400) and in ADCY5 (rs9883204) to be associated with birth weight.


Does Exposure to Asbestos Cause Ovarian Cancer? A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis

The asbestos and ovarian cancer relationship is not well understood because of small numbers of women exposed to asbestos, small numbers of cases...


Soluble Glycoprotein VI Is Raised in the Plasma of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke

schemic stroke induced by thrombosis may be triggered by atherosclerotic plaque rupture and collagen-induced platelet activation. Collagen induces...


Opportunities and challenges of the pulmonary route for vaccination

The respiratory tract is an attractive target for the delivery of vaccine antigens.


The effects of breast-feeding duration on language ability to middle childhood

Modern societies are challenged by "wicked problems" - by definition, those that are difficult to define, multi-casual and hard to treat.


High incidence of obesity co-morbidities in young children: A cross-sectional study

The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is a public health problem because of future morbidity.