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WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature: Providing a common language

Aim was to standardize the names given to the antigens (allergens) that caused IgE-mediated allergies in humans


Age invariance in rapid facial affective reactions to emotionally valenced stimuli

Rapid facial reactions to emotional stimuli are intact in late adulthood, even in response to stimuli that activate more automatic and implicit forms of emotion processing


Mental-health disparities between heterosexual and sexual-minority adolescents: Examining the role of informant discrepancies

Understanding informant discrepancies and their meaning is pivotal to designing surveys that generate robust insights into the health of sexual-minority adolescents


Prednisolone Versus Dexamethasone for Croup: a Randomized Controlled Trial

The type of oral steroid seems to have no clinically significant impact on efficacy, both acutely and during the week after treatment


S. aureus colonization in healthy Australian adults receiving an investigational S. aureus 3-antigen vaccine

Based on descriptive analyses of this small study, S. aureus 3-antigen vaccine vaccination did not impact S. aureus acquisition or carriage


Associations between ethnicity, social contact, and pneumococcal carriage three years post-PCV10 in Fiji

Indigenous iTaukei had greater frequency and intensity of contact compared with Fijians of Indian Descent


Longitudinal Cognitive Performance in Individuals at Ultrahigh Risk for Psychosis: A 10-year Follow-up

The onset of psychosis was not associated with deterioration in cognitive ability


A prospective study investigating gross motor function of children with cerebral palsy and GMFCS level II after long-term Botulinum toxin type A use

Children with Cerebral Palsy, Gross Motor Function level II treated at a young age with repeated doses of Botulinum Toxin A maintain or improve their functional motor level


Pleural Plaques and the Risk of Lung Cancer in Asbestos-exposed Subjects

The presence of pleural plaques on radiologic imaging does not confer additional increase in the risk of lung cancer