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Reports and Findings


Early Childhood Development

Every child deserves the best possible start in life. Evidence demonstrates the period from pre-birth to three years is a vital period of development. It lays the foundations for a child’s future and has life-long impacts on health, education, job opportunities, social inclusion and wellbeing.


Ear Infections

Middle ear infections are one of the main reasons that children visit a GP, are prescribed antibiotics and need surgery. Aboriginal children are particularly susceptible and commonly suffer from hearing loss which can affect speech and learning.


Type 1 Diabetes

A lifelong auto-immune condition that can affect anyone, but is most commonly diagnosed in childhood.


Anxiety and Depression

According to the Young Minds Matter study, mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression are experienced by approximately one in seven or 560,000 young people in Australia. These disorders can often have a significant impact on children’s learning and development and on family life.


Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common chronic, life-shortening genetic condition affecting young Australians. There is no cure but researchers are working to prevent the onset of lung disease.



Even in the safety of their home, there are many risky places a child or teenager can visit online. This can be due to the content they see, who they come into contact with, and personal information they share.


Children's Cancers

Cancers in children are very different from cancers in adults - in most cases they appear to strike simply at random. They also develop differently and can spread more rapidly and aggressively. And because cancers in children are not obviously linked to their lifestyles, much work is needed to pinpoint their cause.


Cerebral Palsy

A non-progressive motor disability due to damage of the developing brain, this is the most common physical disability in childhood. Affecting about one in 500 babies, it is frequently accompanied by other neurological impairments, such as intellectual or sensory.



Bullying is now regarded as a health problem and not just a disciplinary problem. Increasing evidence shows both traditional bullying (e.g. hitting, teasing) and cyberbullying have lasting effects on young people (both those who bully and those who are bullied), including damage to self-esteem, academic results and mental health.



Bronchiolitis is a respiratory infection, usually occurring in babies under six months of age. It causes them to wheeze and can lead to pneumonia. Researchers are focusing on vaccines against the virus which commonly causes it.