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Reports and Findings


BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through Culture

Bring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention


Pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention during pregnancy and lactation: forget not the women and children

The framework for appropriately identifying and managing at-risk pregnant and lactating women requiring PrEP is poorly defined


Functional connectivity of the vigilant-attention network in children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

ADHD patients showed substantially diminished intrinsic coupling for 7 connections and increased coupling for 4 connections


The provision of alcohol and breastfeeding information by maternal health practitioners in the Australian setting

Despite the existence of a national alcohol guideline for breastfeeding women, maternal health practitioners are not incorporating this advice


Intact spontaneous emotional expressivity to non-facial but not facial stimuli in schizophrenia: An electromyographic study

The results indicate that schizophrenia is marked by a disruption in rapid facial responding to facial expressions, but intact responding to non-facial emotional stimuli


Impact of Micronutrient Status during Pregnancy on Early Nutrition Programming

Globally and even in high-income countries where a balanced diet is generally accessible, an inadequate maternal micronutrient status is common


The Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Biobanking Network

The ANZCHOG-BN is a new biobank network in Australasia that was developed to improve and streamline access to high-quality pediatric and AYA cancer biospecimens


The politics of picking: Selective vaccinators and population-level policy

Public health systems face tensions between individuals and the collective. Parents who selectively vaccinate demonstrate this tension


Elastase Exocytosis by Airway Neutrophils Associates with Early Lung Damage in Cystic Fibrosis Children

Protease elastase exocytosis by airway neutrophils occurs in all cystic fibrosis children, and its cellular measure correlates with early lung damage