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Reports and Findings


Improving the well-being for young people living with rheumatic heart disease: A peer support pilot program through Danila Dilba Health Service

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia have an inequitable burden of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD), concentrated among young people and necessitating ongoing medical care during adolescence. There is an unmet need for improved well-being and support for these young people to complement current biomedical management.


Whole‐cell pertussis vaccine in early infancy for the prevention of allergy in children

Atopic diseases are the most common chronic conditions of childhood. The apparent rise in food anaphylaxis in young children over the past three decades is of particular concern, owing to the lack of proven prevention strategies other than the timely introduction of peanut and egg.


Tackling the Burden of Osteoarthritis as a Health Care Opportunity in Indigenous Communities-A Call to Action

Osteoarthritis is a highly prevalent and disabling disease, causing a significant individual and socioeconomic burden worldwide. Until now, there has been a dearth of research exploring the impact of osteoarthritis in global Indigenous communities.


Demographic and clinical predictors of vitamin D status in pregnant women tested for deficiency in Western Australia

This study aimed to describe the vitamin D status of pregnant women in Western Australia and identify predictors of deficiency in pregnancy. A cross-sectional study was conducted using linked data from statewide administrative data collections.


Associations Between Hyperphagia, Symptoms of Sleep Breathing Disorder, Behaviour Difficulties and Caregiver Well-Being in Prader-Willi Syndrome: A Preliminary Study

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder characterised by neurodevelopmental delays, hyperphagia, difficulties with social communication and challenging behaviours. Individuals require intensive supervision from caregivers which may negatively affect caregiver quality of life. This study used data collected in the Australasian PWS Registry to evaluate associations between child behaviours and caregiver mental well-being.


Findings from the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS): A mixed methods study examining community-level influences on early childhood development

There is increasing international interest in place-based approaches to improve early childhood development (ECD) outcomes. The available data and evidence are limited and precludes well informed policy and practice change. Developing the evidence-base for community-level effects on ECD is one way to facilitate more informed and targeted community action.


Additional Insulin Is Required in Both the Early and Late Postprandial Periods for Meals High in Protein and Fat: A Randomized Trial

The pattern and quantity of insulin required for high-protein high-fat (HPHF) meals is not well understood. This study aimed to determine the amount and delivery pattern of insulin required to maintain euglycemia for 5 hours after consuming a HPHF meal compared with a low-protein low-fat (LPLF) meal.


Transfluthrin eave-positioned targeted insecticide (EPTI) reduces human landing rate (HLR) of pyrethroid resistant and susceptible malaria vectors in a semi-field simulated peridomestic space

Volatile pyrethroids (VPs) are proven to reduce human-vector contact for mosquito vectors. With increasing resistance to pyrethroids in mosquitoes, the efficacy of VPs, such as transfluthrin, may be compromised. Therefore, experiments were conducted to determine if the efficacy of transfluthrin eave-positioned targeted insecticide depends on the resistance status of malaria vectors.


Gestational age as a predictor for subsequent preterm birth in New South Wales, Australia

There is no validated evidence base on predictive ability and absolute risk of preterm birth by gestational age of the previous pregnancy. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of mothers who gave birth to their first two children in New South Wales, 1994-2016. For each week of final gestational age of the first birth, we calculated relative and absolute risks of subsequent preterm birth.


Comparison of experiences in two birth cohorts comprising young families with children under four years during the initial Covid-19 lockdown in Australia and the UK: A qualitative study

This study aims to understand the experience and impact of the initial COVID-19 lock-down in young families with children aged below 4 years. Free text questions were administered to participants in the ORIGINS (Australia) and Born in Bradford (UK) cohort studies to collect qualitative information on worries, concerns and enjoyable experiences during the pandemic.