Reports and Findings
Australian First Nations response to the pandemic: A dramatic reversal of the ‘gap’Until the recent death in Dubbo of an Aboriginal man, there have been no deaths from Covid 19 in Australia. The extraordinary success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations in controlling the effects of this pandemic has been a global role model.
Study protocol for a prospective process evaluation of a culturally secure rehabilitation programme for Aboriginal Australians after brain injury: The Healing Right Way projectAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereafter respectfully referred to as Aboriginal) people are Australia's First Peoples, having the longest continuous culture in the world and deep spiritual connections with ancestral land. Improvements in their health and well-being is a major policy goal of Australian governments, as the legacy of colonisation and disruption of cultural practices contribute to major health challenges.
Association between food-outlet availability near secondary schools and junk-food purchasing among Australian adolescentsWe sought to investigate the association between food-outlet availability near Australian secondary schools and frequency of Australian students’ discretionary food purchases.
WALLABY pre-pilot survey: Two dark clouds in the vicinity of NGC 1395We present the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) WALLABY pre-pilot observations of two 'dark' H i sources (with H i masses of a few times 108 {M}_\odot and no known stellar counterpart) that reside within 363 kpc of NGC 1395, the most massive early-type galaxy in the Eridanus group of galaxies.
Using continuous glucose monitoring to detect early dysglycaemia in children participating in the ENDIA study (Sub Protocol)Aveni Liz Haynes Davis BA (Hons), MBBChir, MA (Cantab), PhD MBBS FRACP PhD Principal Research Fellow Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Principal Research Fellow Head,
Validation of Physical Activity Assessment in Type 1 Diabetes – an Essential Step to Incorporating Systematic Measurement of Activity as the Standard of Care in YouthLiz Tim Davis Jones MBBS FRACP PhD MBBS DCH FRACP MD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Co-head, Diabetes and Obesity Research Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research Focus Area; Clinical Lead,
Promoting Resilience in Stress Management for Parents (PRISM-P) intervention in parents of young children with T1DKeely Amy Tim Bebbington Finlay-Jones Jones MClinPsych/PhD BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), MHealthEcon, PhD (Clin Psych) MBBS DCH FRACP MD McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes Head, Early Neurodevelopment & Mental Health;
Using co-design to understand and enhance the experiences of emerging adults with type 1 diabetes and their parents as they transition from paediatric to adult care in metropolitan and regional Western AustraliaKeely Bebbington MClinPsych/PhD McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes 08 6319 1766 McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes @BebbingtonKeely she/her/hers Dr Keely Bebbington is the
The effect of oral insulin on subcutaneous insulin requirements and glycaemia in T1DMLiz Tim Davis Jones MBBS FRACP PhD MBBS DCH FRACP MD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Co-head, Diabetes and Obesity Research Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research Focus Area; Clinical Lead,
Early Moves ProjectThe Early Moves study is investigating whether a baby’s early movements can predict learning difficulties later in childhood.