Reports and Findings
Working with young people at risk of suicidal behaviour and self-harm: A qualitative study of australian general practitioners’ perspectivesGeneral Practitioners (GPs) play a crucial role in the identification and support of young people at risk of suicidal behaviour and self-harm; however, no studies have explored GPs’ perspectives, approaches, challenges, and resource needs when working with this cohort in an Australian setting.
COVID-19 implications for pediatric anesthesia: Lessons learnt and how to prepare for the next pandemicCOVID-19 is mainly considered an “adult pandemic,” but it also has strong implications for children and consequently for pediatric anesthesia. Despite the lethality of SARS-CoV-2 infection being directly correlated with age, children have equally experienced the negative impacts of this pandemic.
Why did you do that? Differential types of aggression in offline and in cyberbullyingTraditional conceptualizations of aggression distinguish between reactive (e.g., rage) and proactive (e.g., reward) functions of aggression. However, critiques of this dichotomy have pointed out these models conflate motivational valence and self-control.
The prevalence of soil transmitted helminth infections in minority indigenous populations of south-east asia and the western pacific region: A systematic review and meta-analysisBy mapping land use under projections of socio-economic change, ecological changes can be predicted to inform conservation decision-making. We present a land use model that enables the fine-scale mapping of land use change under future scenarios.
Parents' perspectives towards paediatric confectionary masked medications: a qualitative studyThe availability of age-appropriate, taste-masked oral solid medications for the paediatric population is currently inadequate. We have developed a novel chocolate-based drug delivery platform to taste-mask bitter drugs commonly utilised in the hospital setting, but there is limited evidence regarding parent's perspectives on these medications.
Vision, future, cycle and effect: A community life course approach to prevent prenatal alcohol exposure in central AustraliaPrevention approaches specific to prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) have been identified as urgently needed in Australia, including in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. However, very little work has aimed to describe and evaluate health promotion initiatives, especially those developed in rural and remote areas.
Impact of airway and a standardized recruitment maneuver on CT chest imaging quality in a pediatric population: A retrospective reviewWhen performing computerized tomography chest imaging in children, obtaining high quality, motion-free images is important in the accurate diagnosis of underlying pathology. General anesthesia is associated with the development of atelectasis, which can impair accurate diagnosis by obscuring or altering the appearance of the lung parenchyma or airways.
Influences on the trajectory and subsequent outcomes in CDKL5 deficiency disorderThe study investigated the effect of seizure and medication burden at initial contact with the International CDKL5 Disorder Database on subsequent development and clinical severity and compared quality of life among those whose development progressed, remained stable, or regressed between baseline and follow-up.
Revision of the Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcoholThe Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol were released in 2020 by the National Health and Medical Research Council. Based on the latest evidence, the guidelines provide advice on how to keep the risk of harm from alcohol low.
Suicide by young Australians, 2006-2015: a cross-sectional analysis of national coronial dataCitation: Hill NTM, McGorry PD, Robinson J. Suicide by young Australians, 2006–2015: a cross-sectional analysis of national coronial data. Med J Aust. 2021. Keywords: Autism; Data collection; Suicide