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Reports and Findings


Occurrence of psychosis and bipolar disorder in adults with autism: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Evidence suggests that individuals with autism spectrum disorder have increased rates of co-occurring psychosis and/or bipolar disorder. Considering the peak age of onset for psychosis and bipolar disorder occurs in adulthood, we investigated the co-occurrence of these disorders in adults with autism.


Youth-onset type 2 diabetes among First Nations young people in northern Australia: a retrospective, cross-sectional study

Liz Davis MBBS FRACP PhD Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases Research Focus Area; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research Professor Davis is a paediatric


Acceptability of OP/Na swabbing for SARS-CoV-2: a prospective observational cohort surveillance study in Western Australian schools

When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, Governments responded with lockdown and isolation measures to combat viral spread, including the closure of many schools. More than a year later, widespread screening for SARS-CoV-2 is critical to allow schools and other institutions to remain open.


Eye Gaze in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of Neural Evidence for the Eye Avoidance Hypothesis

Reduced eye contact early in life may play a role in the developmental pathways that culminate in a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. However, there are contradictory theories regarding the neural mechanisms involved. According to the amygdala theory of autism, reduced eye contact results from a hypoactive amygdala that fails to flag eyes as salient. However, the eye avoidance hypothesis proposes the opposite-that amygdala hyperactivity causes eye avoidance. This review evaluated studies that measured the relationship between eye gaze and activity in the 'social brain' when viewing facial stimuli.


Magic Hats and Teddy Bear picnics: Language and visuospatial lateralisation tasks for children

The behavioural outcomes associated with atypical cerebral lateralization during the early stages of cognitive development is an interesting research venture. However, there are few tasks for assessing lateralization in young children. The current study describes the Magic Hat task and the Teddy Bear Picnic task, which were designed to measure the lateralization of language and visuospatial attention, respectively, in children as young as three years old.


The Mental Health Implications of Domestic Violence During COVID-19

Citation: Newnham EA, Chen Y, Gibbs L, Dzidic PL, Guragain B, Balsari S, et al. The Mental Health Implications of Domestic Violence During COVID-19. International Journal of Public Health. 2022;66. Keywords: Mental Health; COVID-19; domestic


Child protection involvement of children of mothers with intellectual disability

Children born to parents with intellectual disability (ID) have been shown as disproportionally represented in child protection services however with limited population-based research.


Systematic In Vitro Evaluation of a Library of Approved and Pharmacologically Active Compounds for the Identification of Novel Candidate Drugs for KMT2A-Rearranged Leukemia

Patients whose leukemias harbor a rearrangement of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL/KMT2A) gene have a poor prognosis, especially when the disease strikes in infants. The poor clinical outcome linked to this aggressive disease and the detrimental treatment side-effects, particularly in children, warrant the urgent development of more effective and cancer-selective therapeutics.


COVID-19 and Behavioral Sciences

Citation: Jackson T, Steed L, Pedruzzi R, Beyene K, Chan AHY. Editorial: COVID-19 and Behavioral Sciences. Front Public Health. 2022;9. Keywords: Behavioral sciences; COVID-19; health protection; healthcare; psychology; public health; risk behavior  


Researching the researchers: psychological distress and psychosocial stressors according to career stage in mental health researchers

Although there are many benefits associated with working in academia, this career path often involves structural and organisational stressors that can be detrimental to wellbeing and increase susceptibility to psychological distress and mental ill health. This exploratory study examines experiences of work-related psychosocial stressors, psychological distress, and mental health diagnoses among mental health researchers.