Reports and Findings
Medical Comorbidities in MECP2 Duplication Syndrome: Results from the International MECP2 Duplication DatabaseSince the discovery of MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) in 1999, efforts to characterise this disorder have been limited by a lack of large datasets, with small case series often favouring the reporting of certain conditions over others. This study is the largest to date, featuring 134 males and 20 females, ascertained from the international MECP2 Duplication Database (MDBase).
Primary school teacher outcomes from online professional development for physical literacy: A randomised controlled trialPrimary (or elementary) school teachers are often relied upon to provide children with opportunities for physical literacy development; however, many of these teachers feel they lack the skills to effectively promote or ‘teach’ physical literacy.
Severity of Rotavirus-Vaccine-Associated Intussusception: Prospective Hospital-Based Surveillance, Australia, 2007-2018Multiple studies have shown an association between intussusception (IS) and receipt of monovalent or pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RV) in the previous 21 days. Disease severity is an important consideration for risk-benefit evaluations of RV, but no studies have compared the severity of IS within 21 days of vaccination (vaccine-associated, VA) and later (not temporally-associated, VNA).
Clinical practice guidelines for paediatric X-linked hypophosphataemia in the era of burosumabX-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH), the most common inherited form of rickets, is caused by a PHEX gene mutation that leads to excessive serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). This leads to clinical manifestations such as rickets, osteomalacia, pain, lower limb deformity and overall diminished quality of life.
Association between early respiratory viral infections and structural lung disease in infants with cystic fibrosisInfants with cystic fibrosis (CF) develop structural lung disease early in life, and viral infections are associated with progressive lung disease. We hypothesized that the presence of respiratory viruses would be associated with structural lung disease on computed tomography (CT) of the chest in infants with CF.
Initial Validation and Reliability of the CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder Hand Function Scale (CDD-Hand)Pathogenic variants in the CDKL5 gene result in CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD), which is characterized by early-onset epilepsy, severe developmental delay, and often, cortical visual impairment. Validated clinical outcome measures are needed for future clinical trials to be successful. This study aimed to adapt the Rett Syndrome Hand Function Scale for CDKL5 deficiency disorder and evaluate its feasibility, acceptability, content validity, and reliability.
Pre-and Postnatal Vitamin D Status and Allergy Outcomes in Early ChildhoodThe dramatic increase in the prevalence of allergic disease in recent decades reflects environmental and behavioural changes that have altered patterns of early immune development. The very early onset of allergic diseases points to the specific vulnerability of the developing immune system to environmental changes and the development of primary intervention strategies is crucial to address this unparalleled burden.
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and the criminal justice systemFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a condition caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol and characterised by severe neurodevelopmental impairment which have lifelong implications. Impairments in executive function, memory, cognition, language and attention are common, and can lead to early and repeat engagement with the criminal justice system.
Gender differences in time allocation contribute to differences in developmental outcomes in children and adolescentsUsing over 50 thousand time-use diaries from two cohorts of children, we document significant gender differences in time allocation in the first 16 years in life. Relative to males, females spend more time on personal care, chores and educational activities and less time on physical and media related activities. These gender gaps in time allocation appear at very young ages and widen overtime.
The Host-Pathogen Interactions and Epicellular Lifestyle of Neisseria meningitidisNeisseria meningitidis is a gram-negative diplococcus and a transient commensal of the human nasopharynx. It shares and competes for this niche with a number of other Neisseria species including N. lactamica, N. cinerea and N. mucosa. Unlike these other members of the genus, N. meningitidis may become invasive, crossing the epithelium of the nasopharynx and entering the bloodstream, where it rapidly proliferates causing a syndrome known as Invasive Meningococcal Disease.