Reports and Findings
Would you like fries with that? Investigating fast-food outlet availability near schools in Perth, Western AustraliaLocating fast-food outlets near schools is a potential public health risk to schoolchildren, given the easy access and repeated exposure to energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods they provide. Fast-food outlet availability near schools has not been previously investigated in Perth, Western Australia. This study aimed to quantify fast-food outlet availability near Perth schools and determine whether differences in area-level disadvantage and school type exist.
Child development at school entry and student wellbeing six years laterIt has been well established that children's development at school entry is associated with their later academic achievement, but less is known about whether there is also an association with other measures of school success, such as students' social and emotional wellbeing.
Social support helps protects against depressed mood in adolescenceThe goals of the current study were to identify different trajectories of sadness from Grade 6 to 9 in Australian school students, and to explore the role that social support from school, teachers, friends and families play in supporting students’ mental health.
Review of the quality of evidence for preschool and school-based programs to support social and emotional skills, perseverance and academic self-conceptThis project provides guidance to help school leaders review the evidence for different programs, as well as a review of universal, evidence-based pre-school and school-based social and emotional learning programs available in Australia.
Rare disease education in Europe and beyond: time to actPeople living with rare diseases (PLWRD) still face huge unmet needs, in part due to the fact that care systems are not sufficiently aligned with their needs and healthcare workforce (HWF) along their care pathways lacks competencies to efficiently tackle rare disease-specific challenges. Level of rare disease knowledge and awareness among the current and future HWF is insufficient.
Complete Genome Sequences of Four Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages: Kara-mokiny 8, Kara-mokiny 13, Kara-mokiny 16, and Boorn-mokiny 1Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen. Here, we report the isolation of four bacteriophages from wastewater. All four bacteriophages belong to the Myoviridae family.
Potential immunological effects of gender-affirming hormone therapy in transgender people – an unexplored area of researchThere are well-described sex-based differences in how the immune system operates. In particular, cisgender (cis) females have a more easily activated immune system; associated with an increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases and adverse events following vaccinations. Conversely, cis males have a higher threshold for immune activation, and are more prone to certain infectious diseases, such as coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Single-cell transcriptomic and spatial landscapes of the developing human pancreasCurrent differentiation protocols have not been successful in reproducibly generating fully functional human beta cells in vitro, partly due to incomplete understanding of human pancreas development. Here, we present detailed transcriptomic analysis of the various cell types of the developing human pancreas, including their spatial gene patterns. We integrated single-cell RNA sequencing with spatial transcriptomics at multiple developmental time points and revealed distinct temporal-spatial gene cascades.
Australian hospital paediatricians and nurses’ perspectives and practices for influenza vaccine delivery in children with medical comorbiditiesInfluenza vaccination of children with medical comorbidities is critical due their increased risks for severe influenza disease. In Australia, hospitals are an avenue for influenza vaccine delivery to children with comorbidities but are not always effectively utilised. Qualitative enquiry sought to ascertainment the barriers and enablers for influenza vaccination recommendation, delivery, and recording of these children at Australian hospitals.
Complete Genomes of Three Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bacteriophages, Kara-mokiny 1, Kara-mokiny 2, and Kara-mokiny 3Here, we present the complete genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phages Kara-mokiny 1, Kara-mokiny 2, and Kara-mokiny 3. These phages have lytic capabilities against P. aeruginosa and belong to the myovirus morphotype. The genomes of Kara-mokiny 1 and Kara-mokiny 2 are 67,075 bp while that of Kara-mokiny 3 is 66,019 bp long.