Playful BytesNurturing children's health together: A collaboration between early childhood education and care (ECEC) educators and parents on active play and eating well
Co-designing a trauma-informed program for parents whose infant has had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admissionHaving a newborn child admitted into a NICU can be highly traumatic for parents. The compounding effects of the NICU clinical environment, having a seriously ill child, in addition to the inability to care or adequately bond with your child can be extremely distressing.
Developing and characterising juvenile models of aggressive paediatric brain cancers for the evaluation of novel immunotherapies.While profound treatment responses have been realised using immunotherapy for some cancer types, this is yet to be seen for paediatric brain cancer patients.
Finding new, safer and targeted therapies for paediatric brain cancer that amplify responses to radiation therapyRadiation therapy is an essential component of brain cancer treatment. However, the high doses currently required are extremely damaging to the growing brains and bodies of children.
SNAP-PYThere are an estimated 5000 episodes per year of bloodstream infections due to Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) in Australia and an associated mortality of 20%. Despite this, there is little clinical trials evidence to guide best management.