The Kids researcher awarded prestigious EU Horizon 2020 grant
12 February 2018
Kids who skip breakfast have poorer NAPLAN results: study
An Australian study has revealed the clear link between eating breakfast and academic success, with students who skip breakfast some or all of the time achieving poorer NAPLAN results than children who always eat breakfast.
Read more about Kids who skip breakfast have poorer NAPLAN results: studyThe Kids researcher awarded prestigious EU Horizon 2020 grant
12 February 2018
The Impact of Poverty - interview with Louise Giolitto
9 February 2018
New RHD research collaboration with Danila Dilba Health Service
8 February 2018
New CoLab funding supports innovative therapeutic playgroup trial
30 January 2018
New clinical trial to improve outcomes for babies with leukaemia
30 January 2018
McCusker Charitable Foundation grant in support of the Undiagnosed Diseases Program
25 January 2018
$3.4mill to improve treatment management of cystic fibrosis
24 January 2018
New era for child health research with The Kids Research Institute Australia and Curtin partnership signed
24 January 2018
Government funding for innovative sun safety online tool for teens
15 January 2018
The balance between screen, face and free time
18 December 2017
New research to tackle rising food allergies in kids
12 December 2017
Skin infections send eight out of every 100 Aboriginal babies to hospital
6 December 2017