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Influenza vaccine effectiveness and uptake in children at risk of severe disease

Participation in the preschool influenza vaccination program remains low with parents unconvinced of the benefits and safety of influenza vaccine


Elevated IL-5 and IL-13 responses to egg proteins predate the introduction of egg in solid foods in infants with eczema

Elevated egg-specific Th2 cytokine responses were established prior to egg ingestion at 4months and were not significantly altered by introduction of egg


The genetic associations of acute anterior uveitis and their overlap with the genetics of ankylosing spondylitis

These findings also suggest that variants in ERAP1 have a differential impact on the risk of AAU when compared with AS, and hence the genetic risk for AAU...


World Allergy Organization-McMaster University Guidelines for Allergic Disease Prevention (GLAD-P): Prebiotics

Develop evidence-based recommendations about the use of prebiotics in the prevention of allergy


Functional annotation of the vlinc class of non-coding RNAs using systems biology approach

We show that vlincRNAs genes likely function in cis to activate nearby genes


Neonatal drug withdrawal syndrome: Cross-country comparison using hospital administrative data in England, the USA, Western Australia and Ontario, Canada.

We determined trends over time in the prevalence of neonatal drug withdrawal syndrome (NWS) in England compared with that reported in the USA, Western (W)...


Predominant bacteria detected from the middle ear fluid of children experiencing otitis media: A systematic review

Globally, S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae remain the predominant otopathogens associated with OM as identified through bacterial culture


A randomized controlled trial of the effects of n-3 fatty acids on resolvins in chronic kidney disease

Specialized Proresolving Lipid Mediators are increased after 8 weeks n-3 fatty acid supplementation in patients with chronic kidney disease


Interobserver reliability of the Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale (ASAS)

The Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale complies with the definition of spasticity and is clinically feasible in paediatric settings