
News & Events
Trans Pathways provides evidence base to improve mental health of Trans YouthA ground-breaking survey by The Kids researchers has become the new reference point to guide policy change and educate health providers to better support trans and gender-diverse youth in Australia.
News & Events
Older maternal age linked to mental health symptoms in daughtersResearchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia have found daughters born to older mothers have higher rates of some mental health problems.
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Vitamin D link to depression in mothersResearch by The Kids Research Institute Australia shows a link between low vitamin D during pregnancy and post-natal depression.

News & Events
Embracing the mental health of our children and young peopleEmbrace – a new research collaboration based at The Kids – will bring a new focus to understanding and improving the mental health of children and young people.
The ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (Life Course Centre or LCC)The Life Course Centre is a national centre funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence Scheme and hosted through the University of Queensland with collaborating nodes at the University of Western Australia, Sydney University and University of Melbourne.
Maternal and paternal mental health problems and the risk of offspring depression in late adolescence: findings from the Raine studyThere are limited studies on the risk of depressive symptoms in adolescent offspring exposed to parental mental health problems in middle childhood. We investigated the association between parental mental health problems, particularly paternal emotional problems and maternal symptoms of anxiety and depression, and the risk of depressive symptoms in adolescent offspring aged 17.
Web-Based Self-Compassion Training to Improve the Well-Being of Youth With Chronic Medical Conditions: Randomized Controlled TrialUp to one-third of young people live with chronic physical conditions (eg, diabetes, asthma, and autoimmune disease) that frequently involve recurrent pain, fatigue, activity limitations, stigma, and isolation.
Loneliness Versus Distress: A Comparison of Emotion Regulation ProfilesLoneliness, a negative emotion stemming from the perception of unmet social needs, is a major public health concern. Current interventions often target social domains but produce small effects and are not as effective as established emotion regulation (ER)-based interventions for general psychological distress (i.e., depression/anxiety).
The valuing of upstream approaches across the lifecourse. Fact Sheet 2 for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation ProjectThis factsheet highlights the need for a greater understanding of the importance of constructive & preventive ‘upstream’ approaches & sustained investment in...
Maladaptive parenting and child emotional symptoms in the early school yearsThe current study investigated whether being exposed to maladaptive parenting (high hostility and low warmth) and/or marital conflict in infancy is...