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Transient naive reprogramming corrects hiPS cells functionally and epigenetically

Cells undergo a major epigenome reconfiguration when reprogrammed to human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPS cells). However, the epigenomes of hiPS cells and human embryonic stem (hES) cells differ significantly, which affects hiPS cell function. These differences include epigenetic memory and aberrations that emerge during reprogramming, for which the mechanisms remain unknown.


The causal impact of mental health on tobacco and alcohol consumption: An instrumental variables approach

The reciprocal relationship between psychiatric and substance use disorders is well-known, yet it remains largely unknown whether mental health morbidity causally leads to addictive behaviours. This paper utilises a fixed effects instrumental variables model, which is identified by time-varying sources of plausibly exogenous variations in mental health, and a nationally representative panel dataset from Australia to present robust evidence on the causal impact of mental distress on cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking behaviours.


Impact of Body Composition on the Accuracy of a Medtronic Guardian Continuous Glucose Monitoring System

Continuous glucose monitoring systems are used in therapeutic decisions for diabetes management, however, the impact of body composition on CGM accuracy is not known. Body composition variables were collected in an observational study designed to determine the accuracy of an investigational Medtronic Guardian™ sensor 3.


Incidence of Stroke in the Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Populations of Australia: A Data Linkage Study

Most estimates of stroke incidence among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereinafter Aboriginal) Australians are confined to single regions and include small sample sizes. We aimed to measure and compare stroke incidence in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal residents across central and western Australia.


Down syndrome or Rett syndrome in the family: Parental reflections on sibling experience

Siblings of children with intellectual disability have unique family experiences, varying by type of disability.


Severe Congenital Heart Defects and Cerebral Palsy

To report the prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) in children with severe congenital heart defects (sCHD) and the outcome/severity of the CP.


How Families Manage the Complex Medical Needs of Their Children with MECP2 Duplication Syndrome

MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) is a rare, X-linked, neurodevelopmental disorder resulting from the duplication of the methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) gene. The clinical features of MDS include severe intellectual disability, global developmental delay, seizures, recurrent respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal problems. The aim of this qualitative study was to explore how the parents of children with MDS manage their child's seizures, recurrent respiratory infections, and gastrointestinal symptoms, and the impact on them as parents.


Transition models of care for type 1 diabetes: a systematic review

Managing the care regimen for Type 1 Diabetes is challenging for emerging adults, as they take on greater responsibility for self-management. A diverse range of models of care have been implemented to improve safety and quality of care during transition between paediatric and adult services. However, evidence about acceptability and effectiveness of these is limited.


The relationship between pitch contours in infant-directed speech and early signs of autism in infancy

Mother-infant interactions during the first year of life are crucial to healthy infant development. The infant-directed speech (IDS), and specifically pitch contours, used by mothers during interactions are associated with infant language and social development.


Gender non-conformity in childhood and adolescence and mental health through to adulthood: A longitudinal cohort study, 1995-2018

Few studies have examined associations between gender non-conformity (GNC) in childhood or adolescence and mental health outcomes later in life. This study examined associations between GNC and mental health over multiple time points in childhood and adolescence, and GNC in childhood and/or adolescence and mental health in adulthood.