Does the reason matter? How student-reported reasons for school absence contribute to differences in achievement outcomes among 14–15 year oldsWe used data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children to examine the reasons for 14-15 year old absences and how they relate to outcomes in year 9.
Supporting Parents as their Child’s First Teacher: Aboriginal Parents’ Perceptions of KindiLinkThis paper reports on Aboriginal parents’ perceptions about their involvement in a Western Australian pilot initiative called KindiLink. The program seeks to support parents as their child’s first teacher and thereby enhance Aboriginal children’s early-years development, while strengthening relationships between families and schools. A constructivist paradigm was used to inform the methodology which placed Aboriginal voices at the centre of the research.
The development and pilot of the university student embeddedness (USE) scale for student retention within universities: validation with an Australian student sampleA significant number of university students are leaving their institutions before completing their degrees. The present research project applied embeddedness theory, from organizational research, to understand student retention in a tertiary student population, and develop a quantitative instrument that measured university student embeddedness.
Gestational age and child development at school entryStudies have reported a dose-dependent relationship between gestational age and poorer school readiness. The study objective was to quantify the risk of developmental vulnerability for children at school entry, associated with gestational age at birth and to understand the impact of sociodemographic and other modifiable risk factors on these relationships. Linkage of population-level birth registration, hospital, and perinatal datasets to the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC), enabled follow-up of a cohort of 64,810 singleton children, from birth to school entry in either 2009, 2012, or 2015.
The Importance of School Pedagogical and Social Climate to Students’ Unauthorized Absenteeism – a Multilevel Study of 101 Swedish SchoolsWhile individual and family factors behind students’ school absenteeism are well-researched, fewer studies have addressed school climate factors. This study investigated the association between school climate in Swedish schools and students’ absenteeism.
School absence and its effect on school performance for children born with orofacial cleftsWe aimed to describe school absence and its relationship with school performance for children with and without orofacial clefts.