Blocking Notch3 Signaling Abolishes MUC5AC Production in Airway Epithelial Cells from AsthmaticsWe demonstrate that NOTCH3 is a regulator of MUC5AC production
Assessment of early lung disease in young children with CF: A comparison between pressure-controlled and free-breathing chest computed tomographyOur data suggest that FRC PC-CTs are less sensitive than TLC PC-CTs and that FB-CTs have similar sensitivity to PC-CTs in detecting lung disease
Structural modification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa alkylquinoline cell–cell communication signal, HHQ, leads to benzofuranoquinolines with anti-virulence behaviour in ESKAPE pathogensCitation: Rossetto V, Moore-Machacek A, Woods DF, ……. O’Gara F, McGlacken GP, Jerry Reen F. Structural modification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Distribution of Early Structural Lung Changes due to Cystic Fibrosis Detected with Chest Computed TomographyTo examine the distribution of early structural lung changes in clinically stable infants and young children with cystic fibrosis using chest computed...
Airway epithelial repair in health and disease: Orchestrator or simply a player?This review attempts to highlight migration-specific and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) aspects of repair used by epithelial cells
Decreased fibronectin production significantly contributes to dysregulated repair of asthmatic epitheliumIn human asthma, and experimental allergic airways disease in mice, antigen-presenting cells and CD4(+) effector cells at the airway mucosa orchestrate, and CD4
Successful establishment of primary small airway cell cultures in human lung transplantationThe study of small airway diseases such as post-transplant bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) is hampered by the difficulty in assessing peripheral airway
Microbiome and Functional Analysis of a Traditional Food Process: Isolation of a Novel Species (Vibrio hibernica) With Industrial PotentialVibrio hibernica is capable of metabolizing a unique carbohydrate profile at low temperatures
Changing Prevalence of Lower Airway Infections in Young Children with Cystic FibrosisAspergillus species and P. aeruginosa are commonly present in the lower airways from infancy
Use of a primary epithelial cell screening tool to investigate phage therapy in cystic fibrosisThis study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing pre-clinical in vitro culture models to screen therapeutic candidates