Adult digit ratio (2D:4D) is not related to umbilical cord androgen or estrogen concentrations, their ratios or net bioactivityRatio of second digit length to fourth digit length (2D:4D) has been extensively used in human and experimental research as a marker of fetal sex steroid...
Psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) measureInitial evaluation suggests that QI-Disability is a reliable and valid measure of quality of life across the spectrum of intellectual disability
Symptom severity in autism spectrum disorder is related to the frequency and severity of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy: a retrospective case-control studyInvestigating whether the presence and severity of nausea and vomiting may be related to symptom severity in offspring with autism spectrum disorder
Developmental vitamin D deficiency produces behavioral phenotypes of relevance to Autism in an animal modelHere we investigate these features in an animal model related to autism spectrum disorder - the DVD-deficient rat
The impact of within and between role experiences on role balance outcomes for working Sandwich Generation WomenWomen combining paid employment with dual caring responsibilities for children and aging parents, experience both benefits and costs
Brain-behavior links in autism spectrum disorder across the lifespanAndrew Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew PhD Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research at The Kids Research Institute Australia;
Co-occurring intellectual disability and autism: Associations with stress, coping, time use, and quality of life in caregiversHaving a child on the autism spectrum (AS) is known to impact caregiver quality of life (QoL), time use, and stress. A co-occurring diagnosis of intellectual disability (ID) is common among children on the autism spectrum, with ID itself impacting caregiver outcomes. This study sought to understand how co-occurring ID in children on the autism spectrum may influence caregiver-related outcomes. Secondary analysis of survey data from caregivers of 278 children on the autism spectrum with (n = 62) and without (n = 216) co-occurring ID was conducted, exploring impacts on caregiver QoL, stress, coping, and time-use.
Do sex hormones at birth predict later-life economic preferences? Evidence from a pregnancy birth cohort study: Hormones at birth and preferencesEconomic preferences may be shaped by exposure to sex hormones around birth. Prior studies of economic preferences and numerous other phenotypic characteristics use digit ratios (2D : 4D), a purported proxy for prenatal testosterone exposure, whose validity has recently been questioned. We use direct measures of neonatal sex hormones (testosterone and oestrogen), measured from umbilical cord blood (n = 200) to investigate their association with later-life economic preferences (risk preferences, competitiveness, time preferences and social preferences) in an Australian cohort (Raine Study Gen2).
News & Events
Computer algorithm links facial masculinity to autismA new study led by The Kids Research Institute Australia has found a link between masculine facial features and autism.
No clear genetic influences on the association between dyslexia and anxiety in a population-based sample of female twinsIndividuals with dyslexia are at an increased risk for anxiety disorders (e.g. generalized anxiety disorder, stress disorders, panic disorder).