Two newly identified cat allergens: The von Ebner gland protein Fel d 7 and the latherin-like protein Fel d 8Characterization of the complete IgE binding spectrum of cat allergens is important for the development of improved diagnosis and effective immunotherapeutics.
Association between human rhinovirus C and severity of acute asthma in childrenA new and potentially more pathogenic group of human rhinovirus (HRV), group C (HRVC), has recently been discovered.
Environmental Factors in Children's Asthma and Respiratory EffectsChildhood asthma is a condition characterized by airflow obstruction that varies in time spontaneously, in response to various environmental stimuli...
The advent of recombinant allergens and allergen cloning Authors:When the allergen nomenclature system was adopted in 1986, allergens were identified by their behavior on electrophoresis and chromatography...
Maternal and umbilical cord androgen concentrations do not predict digit ratio (2D:4D) in girls:Digit ratio (2D:4D) is widely used as a marker of prenatal androgen exposure
Relationship between environmental exposures in children and adult lung disease: the case for outdoor exposuresThere is a growing understanding that chronic respiratory diseases in adults have their origins in early life
Vector fields of risk: A new approach to the geographical representation of childhood asthmaOne of the major challenges in health studies with a spatial dimension is to produce valid and meaningful geographical representations of risk.
Expression of kinin receptors on eosinophils: comparison of asthmatic patients and healthy subjectsThe aims of this study were to investigate kinin receptor expression on eosinophils of asthmatic and healthy subjects
The effects of maternal smoking on early mucosal immunity and sensitization at 12 months of ageIn this study, we examined the effects of maternal smoking as a major adverse exposure in early life, on mucosal immune function and allergen sensitization...

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Can a simple urine test predict asthma? New study aims to find outThe Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are investigating whether a simple urine test could predict whether young children with wheezing symptoms will go on to develop asthma.