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Regular fat and reduced fat dairy products show similar associations with markers of adolescent cardiometabolic health

Intakes of both regular fat and reduced fat dairy products were associated with similar cardiometabolic associations in adolescents


The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing

This report regards the health & wellbeing of Australian children & adolescents. Based on a survey conducted in the homes of over 6,300 families with...


Nutritional Criminology: Why the Emerging Research on Ultra-Processed Food Matters to Health and Justice

There is mounting concern over the potential harms associated with ultra-processed foods, including poor mental health and antisocial behavior. Cutting-edge research provides an enhanced understanding of biophysiological mechanisms, including microbiome pathways, and invites a historical reexamination of earlier work that investigated the relationship between nutrition and criminal behavior. Here, in this perspective article, we explore how this emergent research casts new light and greater significance on previous key observations.

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8 tips to raise happy kids

All parents want their children to be happy. But in our rapidly changing modern world what does that actually mean? Prof. Stephen Zubrick provides his top tips.

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Trans Pathways breaks down barriers for Trans Youth

When Trans Pathways ambassador Drew, 17, came out as trans three years ago, the biggest hurdle for him was the availability of services and the time it took to access support.


Non-communicable disease mortality in young people with a history of contact with the youth justice system in Queensland, Australia: a retrospective, population-based cohort study

Young people who have had contact with the criminal justice system are at increased risk of early death, especially from injuries. However, deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in this population remain poorly described. We aimed to estimate mortality due to NCDs in people with a history of involvement with the youth justice system, compare NCD mortality rates in this population with those in the general population, and characterise demographic and justice-related factors associated with deaths caused by NCDs in people with a history of contact with the youth justice system.


Adiposity associated DNA methylation signatures in adolescents are related to leptin and perinatal factors

Epigenetics links perinatal influences with later obesity. We identifed differentially methylated CpG (dmCpG) loci measured at 17 years associated with concurrent adiposity measures and examined whether these were associated with hsCRP, adipokines, and early life environmental factors. Genome-wide DNA methylation from 1192 Raine Study participants at 17 years, identified 29 dmCpGs associated with body mass index, 10 with waist circumference and 9 with subcutaneous fat thickness.


Intersex adolescents seeking help for their depression: the case study of SPARX in New Zealand

SPARX is a computerized cognitive behavioral therapy self-help program for adolescent depression that is freely available in New Zealand. At registration, users identify themselves as either male, female, intersex, or transgender. We aimed to describe the mental health of adolescent intersex users. A secondary analysis of SPARX usage data over 5 years.


Within- and between-person relationships between spontaneous self-affirmations, coping style, and wellbeing

Self-affirmations—responding to self-threatening information by reflecting on positive values or strengths—help to realign working self-concept and may support adaptive coping and wellbeing. Little research has been undertaken on spontaneous self-affirmations in response to everyday threats, and less has been undertaken on the relationships between spontaneous self-affirmations, coping, and wellbeing.


A randomized controlled evaluation of a secondary school mindfulness program for early adolescents: Do we have the recipe right yet?

Further research is required to identify the optimal age, content and length of mindfulness programs for adolescents in universal prevention settings.