Inequalities in child healthy development: some challenges for effective implementationInequalities in child healthy development: some challenges for effective implementation
The impact of single gene and chromosomal disorders on hospital admissions of children and adolescents: A population-based studyIt is well recognized that genetic disease makes a significant contribution to childhood illness. Here, we present recent population data describing...
Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in diagnosis in females with Rett syndromeThere is often delay between onset of Rett syndrome symptoms and its diagnosis, possibly related to symptom presentation or socio-demographic factors.
Interleukin 10 gene polymorphisms and development of post kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis in a selected sudanese populationPost kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL) is a cutaneous form of disease that develops at variable times after individuals have received treatment.
Hip displacement and scoliosis in Rett syndrome - screening is requiredThe prevalence of hip displacement and spinal deformity in a clinic population of females with Rett syndrome to define implications for screening and management
Distribution of airway narrowing responses across generations and at branching points, assessed in vitro by anatomical optical coherence tomographyPrevious histological and imaging studies have shown the presence of variability in the degree of bronchoconstriction of airways sampled at different locations.
Early motor development is part of the resource mix for language acquisition -Early motor development is part of the resource mix for language acquisition - a commentary on Iverson's 'Developing language in a developing body: the relat...
Dietary intake and food sources of fatty acids in Australian adolescentsDietary fat consumed during childhood and adolescence may be related to the development of cardiovascular and other chronic diseases in adulthood.
Residential exposure to traffic emissions and adverse pregnancy outcomesResidential exposure to traffic emissions and adverse pregnancy outcomes