Assessing the quality, efficiency and usefulness of the Western Australian population-based Intellectual Disability Exploring Answers (IDEA) surveillance systemThe IDEA system is a valuable resource to address the needs of people living with intellectual disability
Exploring enablers and barriers to accessing health services after a fall among people with intellectual disabilityThere is an urgent need to develop high-quality falls prevention services for older adults with intellectual disability
Prednisolone Versus Dexamethasone for Croup: a Randomized Controlled TrialThe type of oral steroid seems to have no clinically significant impact on efficacy, both acutely and during the week after treatment
Soy Biodiesel Exhaust is More Toxic than Mineral Diesel Exhaust in Primary Human Airway Epithelial CellsExposure to biodiesel exhaust resulted in significantly greater cell death and a greater release of immune mediators compared to both air controls and ULSD exhaust
Measurement of urinary 1-aminopyrene and 1-hydroxypyrene as biomarkers of exposure to diesel particulate matter in gold minersThe concentrations of 1-AP and 1-OHP increased significantly across a 12-hour mining work shift
A cross-sectional examination of the clinical significance of autistic traits in individuals experiencing a first episode of psychosisResults suggest that autism traits are associated with poorer clinical presentation in first-episode psychosis populations
Discrete choice experiment to evaluate preferences of patients with cystic fibrosis among alternative treatment-related health outcomes: A protocolThe aim of this study is to identify and quantify the preferences of patients with cystic fibrosis regarding treatment outcomes
Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a Pilbara community perspectiveThe caregivers in this study have gained valuable knowledge and wisdom through caring for a child with FASD
Upper Airway Pathology Contributes to Respiratory Symptoms in Children Born Very PretermThe upper airway may play a role in the respiratory symptoms experienced by some very preterm children and should be considered by clinicians
Validation of monoclonal anti-PKC isozyme antibodies for flow cytometry analyses in human T cell subsets and expression in cord blood T cellsWe have undertaken to validating the specificity of commercially available antibodies marketed for flow cytometry to measure PKCα, βI, βII, δ, ε, η, θ, ζ, ι/λ and μ