Addressing the relationship between racism and inequality in suicide...In 2009 over 40 leading researchers and academics from across Australia signed the Boatshed Racism Roundtable Declaration that proposed four areas of action...
Energy drink consumption is associated with anxiety in australian young adult malesEnergy drinks are predominantly targeted to young adult consumers; however, there has been limited research into their effects on psychological functioning...
Working TogetherThis exciting new edition includes several new chapters that deliver an even more robust and high quality resource. It examines issues across the life course,..
Does self-esteem mediate the relationship between interpersonal problems and symptoms of disordered eating?It has been proposed that interpersonal problems play a role in the maintenance of disordered eating because of an adverse effect on self-esteem, which in...
ADHD is associated with a "Western" dietary pattern in adolescentsThe objective of this study was to examine the relationship between dietary patterns and ADHD in a population-based cohort of adolescents.
Can joined-up data lead to joined-up thinking? The Western Australian Developmental Pathways ProjectModern societies are challenged by "wicked problems" - by definition, those that are difficult to define, multi-casual and hard to treat.
The long-term effects of breastfeeding on child and adolescent mental health: A Pregnancy Cohort Study followed for 14 yearsTo determine whether there was an independent effect of breastfeeding on child and adolescent mental health
News & Events
Call for mental health support for kids with asthmaA new study has found that young children with severe or persistent asthma are at higher risk of developing many common mental health problems.
News & Events
WA Researchers lead mental health survey of Australia's childrenResearchers from Perth's Telethon Institute for Child Health Research will lead a comprehensive national survey of the mental health of Australia's children.

The Human Development and Community Wellbeing Team conducts research across the lifespan from conception, childhood, and youth to adulthood and the social determinants that impact and influence outcomes. The team’s focus is on the broader life course of individuals and communities within the family, school, and online environments, and includes economic evaluation of programs and outcomes.