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Autism and diagnostic substitution: Evidence from a study of adults with a history of developmental language disorder

Rates of diagnosis of autism have risen since 1980, raising the question of whether some children who previously had other diagnoses are now being diagnosed...


Clustering of psychosocial symptoms in overweight children

The aims of the present study were to (i) examine the relationship between children's degree of adiposity and psychosocial functioning; and (ii) compare patterns of clustering of psychosocial measures between healthy weight and overweight/obese children.


Interpretation of recent sudden infant death syndrome rates in Western Australia

Data for recent years show a shift away from a classification of 'SIDS' towards a classification of 'unascertainable', particularly for Aboriginal infants.


Predictors of seizure onset in Rett syndrome

Information on presence and age at onset of seizures, perinatal and developmental history, and genetic status was abstracted on 275 cases in the Australian...


Local therapy with combination TLR agonists stimulates systemic anti-tumor immunity and sensitizes tumors to immune checkpoint blockade

Francois W. Joost Ben Lizeth Rachael Tao Omar Rwandamuriye Lesterhuis Wylie Orozco Morales Zemek Wang Elaskalani B. Tech., MSc, PhD BSc PhD BSc, MSc,


Invasive fungal disease and antifungal prophylaxis in children with acute leukaemia: a multicentre retrospective Australian cohort study

Invasive fungal disease is a common and important complication in children with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). We describe the epidemiology of IFD in a large multicentre cohort of children with AML.


Are C-reactive protein and procalcitonin safe and useful for antimicrobial stewardship purposes in patients with COVID-19 - A scoping review

The primary objectives of this study were to assess the usefulness of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin in the diagnosis of bacterial co-infections in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and if their incorporation in antimicrobial stewardship programs is safe and useful, stratified by severity of disease as level of care, intensive care unit (ICU) or non-ICU.


Clinically Relevant Genes Identified in Cerebral Palsy Cohorts Following Evaluation of the Clinical Description and Phenotype: A Systematic Review

A growing number of genes have been identified in individuals with cerebral palsy; however, many of these studies have poor compliance with the cerebral palsy clinical description. This systematic review aimed to assess the quality of the cerebral palsy clinical description/phenotype in cerebral palsy genetic studies published between 2010 and 2024 and report clinically relevant genes based on the quality of the cerebral palsy phenotype. 


Safety, tolerability, and effect of a single aural dose of Dornase alfa at the time of ventilation tube surgery for otitis media: A Phase 1b double randomized control trial

One third of children require repeat ventilation tube insertion (VTI) for otitis media. Disease recurrence is associated with persistent middle ear bacterial biofilms. With demonstration that Dornase alfa (a DNase) disrupts middle ear effusion biofilms ex vivo, we identified potential for this as an anti-biofilm therapy to prevent repeat VTI. First, safety and tolerability needed to be measured.


Trends in treatment-seeking for fever in children under five years old in 151 countries from 1990 to 2020

Access to medical treatment for fever is essential to prevent morbidity and mortality in individuals and to prevent transmission of communicable febrile illness in communities. Quantification of the rates at which treatment is accessed is critical for health system planning and a prerequisite for disease burden estimates.