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Expiratory flow limitation and breathing strategies in overweight adolescents during submaximal exercise

Young people who are overweight/obese are more likely to display expFL during submaximal exercise compared with children of healthy weight.


Virus detection and its association with symptoms during influenza-like illness in a sample of healthy adults

Our findings indicate that a greater number of symptoms are displayed by individuals presenting with influenza confirmed ILI compared with other agents that...


Gender difference in the relationship between passive smoking exposure and HDL-cholesterol levels in late adolescence

This study has shown a gender difference in the relationship between passive smoking exposure since birth and HDL-C in late adolescence.


An eleven-year evaluation of the effect of community treatment orders on changes in mental health service use

Many studies of compulsory community treatment have assessed their effect early on after the implementation of legislation.


Participation in paediatric cancer studies: Timing and approach to recruitment

In this sub-study, we aimed to investigate factors that may have influenced study participation and completeness of survey completion.


Immunization of newborns with bacterial conjugate vaccines

Bacterial conjugate vaccines are based on the principle of coupling immunogenic bacterial capsular polysaccharides to a carrier protein to facilitate the...


Complementary and alternative medicine for autism spectrum disorders: Rationale, safety and efficacy

There is insufficient evidence to draw conclusions on the efficacy of modified diets, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, immune therapy, and vitamin and fatty acid...


Neonatal complications in public and private patients: A retrospective cohort study

Despite the rates of low Apgar scores being higher in public patients, the rates of special care admission were lower.


Associations between Handedness and Cerebral Lateralisation for Language: A Comparison of Three Measures in Children

It has been suggested that quantitative measures of differential hand skill or reaching preference may provide more valid measures than traditional...


The International Collaboration for Autism Registry Epidemiology (iCARE): Multinational Registry-Based Investigations of Autism Risk Factors and Trends

iCARE provides a unique, unprecedented resource in autism research that will significantly enhance the ability to detect environmental and genetic...