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Early Years Systems Evidence

The Early Years Systems Evidence (EYSE) team specialises in working in partnership with governments and service providers, with a distinct focus on improving the life chances of children in Australia.


Participation in the Wellbeing and Engagement collection in South Australian schools

In South Australian schools, students in Grade 4 to 12 are invited to participate in an annual survey about their wellbeing and engagement in school, referred to as the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection.


Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) in the South Australian school system

The aim of the WEC is to help teachers, school leaders and policy makers better understand and support the wellbeing and engagement of their students.


Inequalities in child development at school entry: A repeated cross-sectional analysis of the Australian Early Development Census 2009-2018

Australia is the only developed country to consistently undertake a developmental census of its children nationwide. The repeated collection of the Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) has provided an unprecedented opportunity to examine the prevalence of developmental vulnerability across Australia's states and territories, the socio-economic distribution of developmental vulnerability across jurisdictions, and how these distributions might have changed over time.


Economic Evaluation of an Intervention Designed to Reduce Bullying in Australian Schools

The aim of this study was to estimate the changes to costs and health benefits of implementing the "Friendly Schools Friendly Families" (FSFF) anti-bullying intervention in Australia.


Acceptability of OP/Na swabbing for SARS-CoV-2: a prospective observational cohort surveillance study in Western Australian schools

When the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, Governments responded with lockdown and isolation measures to combat viral spread, including the closure of many schools. More than a year later, widespread screening for SARS-CoV-2 is critical to allow schools and other institutions to remain open.


Friendly schools’ bullying prevention research: Implications for school counsellors

Bullying varies in frequency, intensity, duration and hence severity, and contributes uniquely and directly to mental health problems, with severe and long-lasting consequences. Almost a half of school-age students report being bullied in the past year.


Western Australian adolescent emotional wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been vast and are not limited to physical health. Many adolescents have experienced disruptions to daily life, including changes in their school routine and family’s financial or emotional security, potentially impacting their emotional wellbeing.


School Readiness of Children Exposed to Family and Domestic Violence

Children have a universal right to live free from exposure to family and domestic violence (FDV). Children exposed to FDV can experience long-term effects on their physical and psychological health and their social competencies including social, emotional, and cognitive skills and behaviours that underpin successful social adaptation and academic achievement. The aim of this study was to investigate if children exposed to FDV were more likely to be vulnerable on school readiness measures compared to those children who were not exposed.


The Diverse Risk Profiles of Persistently Absent Primary Students: Implications for Attendance Policies in Australia

Understanding variations in risk profiles among persistently non-attending children will inform the development of absence interventions.