News & Events
Trans Tasman action to fast track rheumatic fever vaccinePrime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand have agreed to provide $3M to help fast-track the development of a vaccine against rheumatic fever.
News & Events
Study opportunity for Aboriginal Health WorkersA new scholarship program offering Aboriginal Health Workers an opportunity to take up further study has been launched
Moort Vax Waangkiny: Understanding reasons for routine vaccine uptake among Aboriginal children aged <5 years in Perth (Boorloo) metroAboriginal children aged younger than 5 years in Perth (Boorloo) have lower vaccine uptake compared to non-Aboriginal children.
Facilitate research interest & opportunities that involve Aboriginal families & communities and build the capacity and development of Institute researchers
Strengthening the capacity of Aboriginal children, families and communities
KAMS MOUAs part of the discussions with Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service (KAMS) to establish the Broome site of the WAAHKN it has been agreed to establish...
Protocol to implement and evaluate a culturally secure, strength-based, equine-assisted learning program, "Yawardani Jan-ga" (horses helping)Australian Aboriginal people experience stressors from inequalities across crucial social determinants, including deep and entrenched disadvantage and exclusion. The impact of unaddressed historical issues is pervasive and intergenerational. The disproportionate rates of Aboriginal youth suicide, juvenile detention and imprisonment highlight the inadequacy of existing social and emotional wellbeing programs and services for Aboriginal children and young people.
An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent model of primary health carePete Azzopardi PhD, FRACP, MEpi, MBBS, GDipBiostats, BMedSci Head, Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Head, Adolescent Health and Wellbeing Professor
“It Empowers You to Empower Them”: Health Professional Perspectives of Care for Hyperglycaemia in Pregnancy Following a Multi-Component Health Systems InterventionThe Northern Territory and Far North Queensland have a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women birthing who experience hyperglycaemia in pregnancy. A multi-component health systems intervention to improve antenatal and postpartum care in these regions for women with hyperglycaemia in pregnancy was implemented between 2016 and 2019.
Correction to: Can flash glucose monitoring improve glucose management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with type 2 diabetes? A protocol for a randomised controlled trial (Trials, (2024), 25, 1, (493), 10.1186/s13063-024-08267-7)Alex Brown BMed, MPH, PhD, FRACP (hon.), FCSANZ, FAAHMS Professor of Indigenous Genomics +61421278314 Professor of Indigenous