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New project to make FASD history in the Pilbara

A new project aimed at reducing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Pilbara has been launched today in South Hedland.

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The Kids researcher named WA Youth Awards finalist

25 year old Noongar woman Tiana Culbong, a The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher, has been named as a finalist in the WA Youth Awards.

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Aboriginal Ear Health Stakeholder Meeting (By invitation only)

Acknowledging the enormous efforts in ear health programs across WA, we invite stakeholders to assist us in establishing research priorities.

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Every Friday: Child Health Research Seminars 2014

Associate Professor Roz Walker has been involved in research, evaluation and education with Aboriginal communities building local capacity for 30 years.

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Trans Tasman action to fast track rheumatic fever vaccine

Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand have agreed to provide $3M to help fast-track the development of a vaccine against rheumatic fever.

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Study opportunity for Aboriginal Health Workers

A new scholarship program offering Aboriginal Health Workers an opportunity to take up further study has been launched


Health Outcomes of Children Living in Out-of-Home Care in Metropolitan Western Australia: A Sequential Mixed-Methods Study—A Protocol Paper

The research protocol described aims to examine and establish the health outcomes of children and young people living in Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) in Perth, Western Australia from the perspective of the care recipients and service providers. A Study Advisory Panel will be established comprised of Aboriginal Elders (because of the over-representation of Aboriginal children in OOHC), health professionals and other relevant stakeholders to help co-design all phases of the study.


From Deficit to Strength-Based Aboriginal Health Research—Moving toward Flourishing

Aboriginal Australians have a fundamental human right to opportunities that lead to healthy and flourishing lives. While the impact of trauma on Aboriginal Australians is well-documented, a pervasive deficit narrative that focuses on problems and pathology persists in research and policy discourse.


Ear and hearing outcomes in Aboriginal infants living in an urban Australian area: the Djaalinj Waakinj birth cohort study

Describe the ear and hearing outcomes in Aboriginal infants in an Australian urban area. Aboriginal infants enrolled in the Djaalinj Waakinj prospective cohort study had ear health screenings at ages 2-4, 6-8 and 12-18 months and audiological assessment at ∼12 months of age. Sociodemographic, environmental characteristics, otoscopy, otoacoustic emissions, tympanometry and visual reinforcement audiometry data were collected.


Randomised controlled trial of perinatal vitamin D supplementation to prevent early-onset acute respiratory infections among Australian First Nations children: the 'D-Kids' study protocol

Globally, acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. While ARI-related mortality is low in Australia, First Nations infants are hospitalised with ARIs up to nine times more often than their non-First Nations counterparts.