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Associations Between Developmental Risk Profiles, Mental Disorders, and Student Absences Among Primary and Secondary Students in Australia

This study assessed if the association between mental disorders and higher student absences varies across different profiles of risk factors, and estimated the proportion of student absences associated with mental disorders. Data included responses from a nationally representative Australian survey of child and adolescent mental health.


Cellulitis in children: A retrospective single centre study from Australia

To characterise the epidemiology, clinical features and treatment of paediatric cellulitis. Methods A retrospective study of children presenting to a paediatric tertiary hospital in Western Australia, Australia in 2018.


Weather and children's time allocation

This paper presents the first causal estimates of the effect of weather on children's time allocation. It exploits exogenous variations in local weather observed during the random diary dates of two nationally representative cohorts of Australian children whose time-use diaries were surveyed biennially over 10 years.


Global phosphoproteomics reveals DYRK1A regulates CDK1 activity in glioblastoma cells

Both tumour suppressive and oncogenic functions have been reported for dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A). Herein, we performed a detailed investigation to delineate the role of DYRK1A in glioblastoma. Our phosphoproteomic and mechanistic studies show that DYRK1A induces degradation of cyclin B by phosphorylating CDC23, which is necessary for the function of the anaphase-promoting complex, a ubiquitin ligase that degrades mitotic proteins.


Somatosensory discrimination impairment in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy as measured by the sense_assess© kids

To characterise somatosensory discrimination impairment of the upper-limb across domains of tactile discrimination, limb position sense and haptic object recognition using the sense_assessĀ© kids and examine associations with upper-limb motor performance in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP).


Can the CHA2 DS2 -VA schema be used to decide on anticoagulant therapy in Aboriginal and other Australians with non-valvular atrial fibrillation?

The Australasian guidelines recommend use of the CHA2 DS2 -VA schema to stratify ischaemic stroke risk in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (N-VAF) and determine risk thresholds for recommending oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy. However, the CHA2 DS2 -VA score has not been validated in a representative Australian population cohort with N-VAF, including in Aboriginal people who are known to have a higher age-adjusted stroke risk than other Australians.


The role of governance in Indigenous medical education research

This article considers the role of governance in Indigenous medical education research through the lens of an Australian Aboriginal research project titled Healing Conversations. The Healing Conversations project is developing and testing a targeted educational framework for improved clinical communication between healthcare practitioners and Australian Aboriginal peoples in regional and urban locations. It is proposed that an effective governance approach can support Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders to work together in decision-making structures to enable outcomes that promote and prioritise Indigenous worldviews and values in medical education research.


Safety of live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine in Australian adults 70-79 years of age: An observational study using active surveillance

To assess the safety of live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine live (ZVL) through cumulative analysis of near real-time, participant-based active surveillance from Australia's AusVaxSafety system. ZVL was funded in Australia for adults aged 70 years from November 2016, with a time-limited catch up programme for those up to 79 years. This cohort study monitored safety in the first two programme years through active surveillance at 246 sentinel surveillance immunisation sites.


Environmental (Perinatal) risk factors of ADHD in a sibling control design study

Citation: Ibilola O, Silva D. Environmental (Perinatal) risk factors of ADHD in a sibling control design study. Open Access Journal of Behavioural


Brief Report: Facial Asymmetry and Autistic-Like Traits in the General Population

Atypical facial morphology, particularly increased facial asymmetry, has been identified in some individuals with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC). Many cognitive, behavioural and biological features associated with ASC also occur on a continuum in the general population.