The Contribution of Geogenic Particulate Matter to Lung Disease in Indigenous ChildrenThe aim of this study was to assess the relationship between dust levels and health in Indigenous children in Western Australia
Serotonin and aggressive behaviour in children and adolescents: a systematic reviewFindings were mixed, with support both for negative and for positive associations of central nervous 5-HT function with aggression in children and adolescents
RE-AIM evaluation of a teacher-delivered programme to improve the self-regulation of children attending Australian Aboriginal community primary schoolsBenefits in teaching the Alert Program® to students in a region with high reported rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and self-regulation impairment
Maternal Alcohol-Use Disorder and Child OutcomesThe effects of maternal alcohol-use disorder are experienced by the majority of exposed children rather than a vulnerable subgroup of this population
The provision of alcohol and breastfeeding information by maternal health practitioners in the Australian settingDespite the existence of a national alcohol guideline for breastfeeding women, maternal health practitioners are not incorporating this advice
The relationship between abdominal pain and emotional wellbeing in children and adolescents in the Raine StudyAbdominal pain in children and adolescents associates with depression, anxiety, being bullied, unhappiness and reduced overall health-rating during adolescence
Effects of Dietary Acute Tryptophan Depletion (ATD) on NPY Serum Levels in Healthy Adult Humans Whilst Controlling for Methionine Supply-A Pilot StudyAcute tryptophan depletion, and therefore, diminished substrate availability for brain 5-HT synthesis did not lead to significant changes in serum neuropeptide Y concentrations over time
Longitudinal study of language and speech of twins at 4 and 6 years: Twinning effects decrease, zygosity effects disappear, and heritability increasesThis study investigates the heritability of language, speech, and nonverbal cognitive development of twins at 4 and 6 years of age.
Impact of the Friendly Schools whole-school intervention on transition to secondary school and adolescent bullying behaviourThese findings demonstrate the immediate value of whole-school interventions to reduce bullying behaviour and associated harms among students
The Gender Wage Gap in the Vietnamese Transition, 1993–2008This essay examines wages and the gender wage gap between 1993 and 2008 in Vietnam