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Oral and written communication skills of adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) compared with those with no/low PAE: A systematic review

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with growth deficits and neurodevelopmental impairment including foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Difficulties with oral and written communication skills are common among children with PAE; however, less is known about how communication skills of adolescents who have PAE compare with those who do not.


Can the CHA2 DS2 -VA schema be used to decide on anticoagulant therapy in Aboriginal and other Australians with non-valvular atrial fibrillation?

The Australasian guidelines recommend use of the CHA2 DS2 -VA schema to stratify ischaemic stroke risk in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation (N-VAF) and determine risk thresholds for recommending oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy. However, the CHA2 DS2 -VA score has not been validated in a representative Australian population cohort with N-VAF, including in Aboriginal people who are known to have a higher age-adjusted stroke risk than other Australians.


The role of governance in Indigenous medical education research

This article considers the role of governance in Indigenous medical education research through the lens of an Australian Aboriginal research project titled Healing Conversations. The Healing Conversations project is developing and testing a targeted educational framework for improved clinical communication between healthcare practitioners and Australian Aboriginal peoples in regional and urban locations. It is proposed that an effective governance approach can support Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders to work together in decision-making structures to enable outcomes that promote and prioritise Indigenous worldviews and values in medical education research.


Environmental (Perinatal) risk factors of ADHD in a sibling control design study

Citation: Ibilola O, Silva D. Environmental (Perinatal) risk factors of ADHD in a sibling control design study. Open Access Journal of Behavioural


Protection against neonatal respiratory viral infection via maternal treatment during pregnancy with the benign immune training agent OM-85

Incomplete maturation of immune regulatory functions at birth is antecedent to the heightened risk for severe respiratory infections during infancy. Our forerunner animal model studies demonstrated that maternal treatment with the microbial-derived immune training agent OM-85 during pregnancy promotes accelerated postnatal maturation of mechanisms that regulate inflammatory processes in the offspring airways.


COVID-19, children and schools: overlooked and at risk

We have closely followed the international literature about severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) transmission dynamics in children (aged 0–18 years).2 Evidence‐informed discussion about school attendance in the context of COVID‐19 is a high priority and this complex subject requires weighted expert review of the literature to accurately inform policy. As paediatricians and infectious diseases specialists, we wish to highlight important considerations when interpreting the available data.


Case Report: Neonatal Varicella Acquired From Maternal Zoster

The incidence of neonatal varicella has decreased dramatically since the introduction of the varicella vaccination. Although the varicella zoster virus is often associated with a mild infection, it may cause severe morbidity and mortality, particularly in the neonatal period and immunocompromised hosts. We report a case of neonatal varicella acquired from maternal zoster in a mother on biological immunosuppressive therapy.


Core Outcome Measures for Trials in People With Coronavirus Disease 2019: Respiratory Failure, Multiorgan Failure, Shortness of Breath, and Recovery

Respiratory failure, multiple organ failure, shortness of breath, recovery, and mortality have been identified as critically important core outcomes by more than 9300 patients, health professionals, and the public from 111 countries in the global coronavirus disease 2019 core outcome set initiative. The aim of this project was to establish the core outcome measures for these domains for trials in coronavirus disease 2019. Three online consensus workshops were convened to establish outcome measures for the four core domains of respiratory failure, multiple organ failure, shortness of breath, and recovery.


Somatosensory discrimination impairment in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy as measured by the sense_assess© kids

To characterise somatosensory discrimination impairment of the upper-limb across domains of tactile discrimination, limb position sense and haptic object recognition using the sense_assess© kids and examine associations with upper-limb motor performance in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP).


Anti-Interleukin-10 Unleashes Transcriptional Response to Leishmanial Antigens in Visceral Leishmaniasis Patients

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL; Leishmania donovani) cases produce interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor in response to soluble leishmanial antigen in whole-blood assays. Using transcriptional profiling, we demonstrate the impact of interleukin-10, a cytokine implicated in VL, on this response.