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Risk factors and prognosis of recurrent wheezing in Chinese young children: A prospective cohort study

We aimed to investigate the risk factors for different wheezing phenotypes in Chinese young children and to explore the prognosis of recurrent wheezing


The controlled direct effect of temperament at 2-3 years on cognitive and academic outcomes at 6-7 years

Overall, temperament had small associations with cognitive and academic outcomes after accounting for parenting and confounders


Mapping the global prevalence, incidence, and mortality of Plasmodium falciparum, 2000-17: a spatial and temporal modelling study

High-resolution maps of P falciparum are a resource for informing global policy and malaria control planning, programme implementation, and monitoring initiatives


Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation and childhood asthma

Novel loci differentially methylated in newborns represent potential biomarkers of risk of asthma by school age


Forest cover and climate as potential drivers for dengue fever in Sumatra and Kalimantan 2006–2016: a spatiotemporal analysis

Dengue fever in Sumatra and Kalimantan was highly seasonal and associated with climate factors and deforestation


Shade coverage, ultraviolet radiation and children’s physical activity in early childhood education and care

The provision of shade, particularly through natural forms such as tree canopy, is an important sun protection strategy and enabler of outdoor time


Online self-compassion training to improve the wellbeing of youth with chronic medical conditions: Protocol for a randomised control trial

The Self-Compassion Online program could provide a scalable solution for improving psychological outcomes and quality of life among youth with chronic illness


Eighth annual conference of in VIVO planetary health: From challenges to opportunities

Here, we present the abstracts and proceedings of our 8th annual conference, held in Detroit, Michigan in May 2019, themed "From Challenges, to Opportunities"


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: Rationale for a pathophysiological rather than treatment based approach to diagnosis

This review describes the evolution of bronchopulmonary dysplasia definitions, evaluates the benefits and limitations of each approach


Early-life exposure to electronic cigarettes: cause for concern

There are a multitude of ways that, with respect to early-life exposures and health, electronic nicotine delivery systems are a cause for concern