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Genome-wide association analysis identifies 11 risk variants associated with the asthma with hay fever phenotype

Previous analyses of family data from the Tasmanian Longitudinal Health Study provide evidence that this phenotype has a stronger genetic cause than asthma...


Young Aboriginal women's voices on pregnancy care: Factors encouraging antenatal engagement

Understanding young Aboriginal women's views on pregnancy care is important knowledge to assist maternity services develop localised pathways that encourage...


Plasma retinol and total carotenes and fracture risk after long-term supplementation with high doses of retinol

The aim of this study was to investigate plasma retinol and total carotene concentrations in relation to fracture risk after long-term supplementation with...


Gene Expression Analyses of the Spatio-Temporal Relationships of Human Medulloblastoma Subgroups during Early Human Neurogenesis

Medulloblastoma is the most common form of malignant paediatric brain tumour and is the leading cause of childhood cancer related mortality.


Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling identifies a folate-sensitive region of differential methylation upstream of ZFP57-imprinting regulator in humans

This study identified that expsoure to folate has effects on the regulation of DNA methylation during fetal development.


Quality of Childcare Influences Children's Attentiveness and Emotional Regulation at School Entry

Among children using formal childcare, those who experienced higher-quality relationships were better able to regulate their attention and emotions as they...


Epigenetics in immune development and in allergic and autoimmune diseases

This paper is a review about the importance of alterations to the DNA molecule, rather than the DNA sequence, in the development of the immune system, and...


Prenatal adverse life events increase the risk for atopic diseases in children, which is enhanced in the absence of a maternal atopic predisposition

There is evidence to suggest an association between prenatal maternal stress and the development of asthma or other atopic diseases in offspring.


Maternal consumption of coffee and tea during pregnancy and risk of childhood brain tumors: results from an Australian case-control study

The aim of this analysis was to investigate whether maternal coffee or tea consumption during pregnancy was associated with the risk of CBT.


Childhood brain tumours: Associations with parental occupational exposure to solvents

Paternal exposure to solvents in the year before conception was associated with an increased CBT risk. This increased risk appeared to be mainly attributable...