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Patterns trends and increasing disparities in mortality for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants born in Western Australia 1980-2001: population database study

Since there are known disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations in Australia, trends in infant mortality rates can be used to assess the...


The First Research Report: patterns and trends in mortality of Western Australian infants, children and young people 1980-2002

The Advisory Council on the Prevention of Deaths of Children and Young People today officially released this report.


Selection of appropriate spirometry reference values in Aboriginal Australians

The Global Lung Function ‘Caucasian’ and ‘Other’ spirometry equations do not match healthy Aboriginal FEV1 and FVC data


Geographical disparities in emergency department presentations for acute respiratory infections and risk factors for presenting

One in four ED presentations in WA children are for ARIs, representing a significant out-of-hospital burden with some evidence of geographical disparity


How many doses make a difference? An analysis of secondary prevention of rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

increased adherence to penicillin prophylaxis is associated with reduced acute rheumatic fever recurrence and a likely reduction in mortality


Systematic chemical and molecular profiling of MLL-rearranged infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia reveals efficacy of romidepsin

Identified romidepsin as a promising therapeutic for mixed lineage leukemia (MLL)-rearranged infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Evidence of a reduction over time in the behavioral severity of autistic disorder diagnoses

This study provides the first clear evidence of a reduction over time in the behavioral severity of individuals diagnosed with Autistic Disorder during a period of stability in diagnostic criteria


Immunogenicity and clinical effectiveness of the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in immunocompromised children undergoing treatment for cancer

The trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine is safe, immunogenic, provides clinical protection and should be administered annually to immunosuppressed children receiving treatment for cancer


A validation study of a modified Bouchard activity record that extends the concept of 'uptime' to Rett syndrome

The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of using a Bouchard activity record (BAR) in individuals with Rett syndrome to measure physical...


Onset of maternal psychiatric disorders after the birth of a child with intellectual disability: A retrospective cohort study

Mothers of a child with intellectual disability (ID) have more psychiatric disorders after the birth of their child than other mothers.