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Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in Western Australia carry different serotypes of pneumococci with different antimicrobial susceptibility profiles

Differences in pneumococcal serotypes, genotypes, and antimicrobial susceptibility between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children living in the same area


Knowledge translation lessons from an audit of Aboriginal Australians with acute coronary syndrome presenting to a regional hospital

This audit is used as a case study of translating knowledge processes in order to identify the factors that support equity-oriented knowledge translation.


A systematic review of the evidence that swimming pools improve health and wellbeing in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia

The benefits that swimming pools may bring to to ear and eye health in remote Aboriginal communities remains unresolved


Evaluation of impact of 23 valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine following 7 valent pneumococcal

The impact of the 23vPPV booster on IPD incidence among Australian Indigenous children is unclear from regional reports of small case numbers.


Young Aboriginal women's voices on pregnancy care: Factors encouraging antenatal engagement

Understanding young Aboriginal women's views on pregnancy care is important knowledge to assist maternity services develop localised pathways that encourage...


Suicide trends in Western Australia: an urgent call to action

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation project will evaluate the effectiveness of existing suicide prevention services and...


The social determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide...

Consideration of suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be situated within a context that recognises the impact of racism...


What factors contribute to positive early childhood health and development in Australian Aboriginal children? Protocol for a population-based cohort study

Empirical evidence identifying the key drivers of positive early childhood development in Aboriginal children, and supportive features of local communities...


Improving the health of First Nations children in Australia

Health and wellbeing of children and young people are the keys to human capability of future generations.


Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy: A population-based cohort study 1985-2006

Given the severe risks to the fetus from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure, assessment and recording of alcohol use should be routinely undertaken in maternity...