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What constitutes cerebral palsy in the twenty-first century?

The aims of this paper were to (1) define inclusion/exclusion criteria that have been adopted uniformly by surveillance programmes and identify where...


The challenge of enteric fever

Enteric fever prevention requires significant long term investment in provision of clean water and sanitation; vaccination offers medium term control.


Dendritic cells and influenza A virus infection

Influenza A virus (IAV) is a dangerous virus equipped with the potential to evoke widespread pandemic disease.


Maternal Conditions and Perinatal Characteristics Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability

Findings show that indicators of a poor intrauterine environment are associated with an elevated risk of ID, while for ASD, and particularly ASD without ID,...


Maternal Use of Folic Acid and Other Supplements and Risk of Childhood Brain Tumors

Interest in a possible protective effect of maternal vitamin use before or during pregnancy against childhood brain tumors (CBT) and other childhood cancers...


Parent–child book reading across early childhood and child vocabulary in the early school years

The current study investigated the extent to which low levels of joint attention in infancy and parent-child book reading across early childhood increase the...


Breastfeeding Duration and Residential Isolation amid Aboriginal Children in Western Australia

The objective of this study was to examine the factors that impact on breastfeeding duration among Western Australia Aboriginal children. We hypothesised...


What does the nature of the MECP2 mutation tell us about parental origin and recurrence risk in Rett syndrome?

The MECP2 mutations occurring in the severe neurological disorder Rett syndrome are predominantly de novo, with rare familial cases. The aims of this study...


Factors relating to pregnancy and birth and the risk of childhood brain tumors: Results from an Australian case-control study

Childhood brain tumors (CBT) are the leading cause of cancer death in children, yet their causes are largely known. This study investigated the association...


Environmental Risk Factors by Gender Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Our study investigates the maternal, pregnancy, and newborn risk factors by gender for children prescribed stimulant medication for treatment of ADHD in WA.